What kind?
My main one is sexual and I hate myself for it.
What kind?
My main one is sexual and I hate myself for it.
I have harm OCD which is hard to deal with sometimes, especially having schizophrenia as well.
I think I have OCD, but here in England I think they give up labelling things once you have Schizophrenia
I have OCD. Mostly intrusive thoughts and some checking. The thoughts can be sexual, or violent, or just disturbing and obviously unwanted. I have thought broadcasting too so I always think people around me heard the thoughts.
I think OCD is probably over-used. Probably more accurate to say I’m very fussy about certain things.
I have some issues with sexuality.
I’m trying to fix it. I figure it’s like blocking out a channel in the brain. If you don’t listen to that channel it’s easier to beat it. Have to try block out the channel that leads to the undesirable thoughts/action. It’s also learning to settle for the fact that life is dull sometimes.
It actually helps supplementing with NAC, so it might be OCD. It’s easier to steer clear of the undesirable stuff.
OCD is very real @shutterbug. I could barely eat for a week because I associated colors and types of food with bad things. I actually ended up hospitalized but that wasn’t the only reason. I dropped 5 pounds though! haha
Yes, I’m aware of that. My concern is that the number of people saying they have OCD over minor issues diminishes the support for people who really do have OCD.
ohhh ok i gotcha
I do not have OCD
I do not have OCD
I do not have OCD
I have excoriation disorder. I also count things. I always have at least one compulsion going on at any given time or an obsession. My brain must have a slot for it, a need for it. I just glom on to any weird compulsion and off I go. I had a ritualistic way of checking my shoes for spiders before I could put them on for a couple years. One day my son was getting ready to grab his shoes by the front door and I said don’t forget to check them for spiders and then I kicked them and I’ll be damned if a spider didn’t crawl out. Soon after that the compulsion dissipated and I forgot all about it and moved onto the next thing. I spent over a year obsessed that I had a certain disease, so convinced that I actually started getting symptoms, I suffered in silence. Reading everything I could about the disease, this was before internet. I finally told my doctor, who knew I had health anxiety, and she said even hypochondriacs get sick, let’s test you to find out for sure. The test came back negative. I thought the test was wrong and continue to suffer awhile until enough time passed with no progression of the disease and the obsession finally faded away. I’ve always been terrified of spiders but one summer I was totally fixated on one ending up in my coffee, I was nearly terrified to take a sip. It ruined my morning ritual for me that summer. Then there’s little things like light switches having to be in the right position, and things having to be in their place, preferring things to match, having to straighten things that are crooked no matter where you are, printing perfectly strait letters and numbers. On and on it goes.
I’ve suffered from severe ocd since childhood. For some bizarre reason it mostly melted away when I became ill in 2018 and was diagnosed with sz. Ocd and SZ have an extraordinarily complex relationship.
I’m dealing with the same thing. Very torturous when I think that others are able to hear them and think that they come from me, when I’m not even the one saying it.
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