White Castle store brand cheeseburgers

It’s kind of funny. I used to not be able to stand White Castle burgers. But recently I’ve acquired quite the taste for their grocery store brand, cheeseburgers.

They’re rather delicious!

However…I’m a little scared to read the ingredients. :rofl:

Thank you for reading!

:speaker:This is Montezuma’s message of the day.:speaker:

:stuck_out_tongue: :v:


White Castle is the best.

They keep shutting down all the good restaurants around here.

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That’s a bummer.

We used to have a White Castle in my city.

Yeah we had a white castle near by. That closed down.

There were TWO Big Boy restaurants near my house and they both closed down. There might be one a couple towns over but I’m not sure cuz everytime I get close I stop at another place lol

There are still plenty of restaurants but those are my two favorites for american food.

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Oh man! I haven’t had a Big Boy burger in forever. That was like the diner to go to when I was young.

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They were serving a super big boy burger when I last went to one. It’s like a super sized version. Man that thing is great.

I went to this place the other day called Greek Jalepeno. They had some decent food. I had the fried burrito with cheese on top, sour cream, and salsa.

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That reminds me, I need to buy some eggs and chorizo. :smile:

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I’ve been having cereal and power cakes lately.

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Is your rash getting any better?

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Yeah it’s completely gone now. I’m just trying to get over the extreme laziness the benadryl gave me. I am so tired lately. All I did on the benadryl was sleep after I took it. Then I would wake up and have another one and sleep again.

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