I went to Wendy’s today and got a 4 for $4 meal.
Service and everything was great, just the food itself was unsatisfying. I think I won’t go there anymore, McDonalds and Burger King have much better tasting burgers in my opinion (though I know some say otherwise, but that’s cool!).
I would like to switch to veggie or turkey burgers since those are healthier alternatives to red meat.
I’m thinking next time I go to eat I will get some nacho fries from taco Bell…
How nice of you to send @GoldenRex since virtual burritos!
And I agree, I remember when I was 18 I had flown my long distance girlfriend at the time out to see me and we are nothing but basically pizza and taco Bell the whole week she was visiting hahaha.
We live in a town that doesn’t have any fast food places so for us any fast food is a big treat. Mcd’s or Wendy’s or Burger King or Taco Bell all sound yummy to me. There’s just something about fast food that’s soooo good. I think they put something addictive in the food, I really do. That might be a delusion idk.
Applebee’s french fries are my favorite, but they aren’t exactly fast food. I think that McDonald’s french fries come in second, followed by Wendy’s. I do like Whoppers, but I also like double cheeseburgers from McDonald’s. It depends on how I’m feeling as to which restaurant I prefer that day.