Which is more effective for anhedonia Levodopa or Mirapex?

Which is more effective for anhedonia Levodopa or Mirapex? At what dose is it effective And? And how long do you have to give the Mirapex or Levodopa to work?

The latter, pramipexole, by far. It is the only drug that ever worked for anhedonia. L-dopa only made me naseous, so I didn’t use it much. Stimulants (eg. methylphenidate) helped for apathy but not anhedonia.

It was first effective at a very low dose. It stopped working in less than a week, so I tried somewhat higher doses without benefit. It may be that it would have helped to go higher, so I advise you not to give up as soon as I did.

It first helped in less than an hour of administration. As I noted above, it stopped working. It may be that giving it more time and at higher doses would have helped.


Ldopa improved my negative and cognitive symptoms but made positive symptoms worse, also I was much more irritable, suspicious and angry.

I’m on ripinerol, which is similar to mirapex. Only been on it 2 days so far, though.

Ropinirole, brand name Requip. Yes, it is similar to pramipexole, but it has a somewhat shorter half-life.


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