- Kid A
- Ok Computer
- What are you talking about?
0 voters
0 voters
I chose Ok puter, cuz I think it’s a title of CD by someone, maybe Radiohead???
I can’t answer that question until more voters have weighed in.
This is there best recording ever though: (considered making it an option)
I like The Bends the best myself.
I wanted it to be a choice between the two though.
I didn’t actually know what you were talking about, so I devised a devious plan to figure it out… By scrolling down the page and seeing radiohead, thus confirming my choice.
Curses daze!!! Curses
And f*** ok computer is winning
Muhahaha 1515151515
You’re cool man. Welcome aboard.
Well thank you kindly, I try and shake ■■■■ up from time to time, and not let this illness ■■■■ up my humor. P.s. Your cool too
Can In Rainbows be an option?? Please?
If it can only be between the two, Kid A, it is.
It’s meant to be a choice between the two. In rainbows or any other album you might like more has nothing to do with it.
There you go… SWING VOTA
(Was my vote)
I’m sorry. I wanted to say that all night, I’m sorry @soitgoes.