Which is and what are your favorite movies

My all time favorite movie is ‘The Usual Suspects’ starring kevin spacey.

next to it is shawshank redemption.

after that i have many like schindlers list, superman, jaws, the james bond series, die hard series and much more.


The original star wars (a new hope), but I mean original and not the special edition.

Next would be the original bladerunner

Then back to the future

My favourite genre used to be science fiction but there hasn’t been a good science fiction movie in about 20 years.


great i also like all the movies u mentioned.

also of all which is ur most favorite?

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Star wars would be the ultimate winner ! :trophy:


great. star wars is cool.

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Waking Life is my all time favorite.

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ok great.

i havent seen it.
what is it about?

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Its about this guy stuck in a lucid dream and he meets various philosophers that talk about famous philosophers.

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Dollars trilogy by Sergio Leone


Those are all great films, @steffifan. :+1:

I have so many favorite films, it’s almost impossible for me to pick an absolute favorite.

Some of my faves, off the top of my head, are: Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Eyes Without a Face, The Good - The Bad - and the Ugly, Blade Runner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove (Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb), and Midsommar.

I enjoy a lot of B-movies, like Plan 9 From Outer Space, and old horror movies from the 70’s and 80’s, and Troma Studios movies too.


Ok cool got it
That’s interesting

In Bruges is my favourite film


Well cool choice
Will check out on the net later

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Ok sweet

Looks like you like the horror genre more

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Well great
Never heard it before
Will check out later

Yeah, horror probably is my favorite genre.

I totally understand why it would be triggering to people with schizophrenia though.

But there’s so many neat things that can be done with it.

It was kind of stagnate for a long time, but new directors like Ari Aster and Jordan Peele are bringing some really fresh ideas into the modern horror film.


star wars, lord of the rings, matrix, gladiator and beautiful mind.


Ok u r right
Horror is a little tough to watch


Well great choices
But why no usual suspects

I don’t like horror either, I cant enjoy it. heck, I cant even enjoy violence.