Where do you think our thoughts are born and is there anyway to control them?
Can you control your thoughts with will power?
I was going to try and read tonight instead of wasting my time and improve my mind but that has backfired on me. Anyhow, I’m only able to read one author right now and I don’t have any of her books.
They come from our brains!
Wow, now thats a complex topic. Has something to do with the activity of neurons but I am not an expert and cannot give a detailed answer. Sounds like a question for a neuroscientist.
As to whether or not our thoughts can be controlled by ourselves. To some extent I would think yes, but its not an easy process. You can retrain your brain to think differently to some degree.
Are you a materialist? Don’t you believe in consciousness that is not physical?
I am a science guy.
Some people say the physical comes from the non physical reality.
You might be fortunate to think that.
Well thats getting into religion which I avoid. But you do have certain control over you thoughts. Personally I see thoughts and the brain as a computer. You can access memories etc
But i agree that some questions have no answers.
The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, a staunch atheist, believed consciousness was not physical.
Well, thats just silly IMO. Remove someones brain and see if they still have thoughts. Thoughts obviously come from the brain. I dont even see how its debatable.
Nowdays science we know consciousness is a result of neural activities in certain brain parts, I believe its the brainstem? If this part gets damaged ppl often get into never ending comas, brain death. I am not a Dr but thats just what I remember from reading science magazines and online.
It’s like this: you have a record player and the music that you play is the consciousness and the record player the brain.
Moving to unusual beliefs.
Y’all definitely don’t watch the same YouTube channels I do, lol.
I have to disagree with this. I think the brain produces the “music”, by itself. It is not a player for some electrical activity that finds itself a home in your head.
So when you look in the mirror you see two eyeballs looking back at you?
How do you explain psychic activity?