Where I sit is so cold

My place on the sofa, my little corner that I’ve carved out for myself, where I’m all set up with a place to put my drink, and a good set up for my laptop is right in the path of where the heater blows. But the heater feels like it’s blowing cold air all the time by the time it gets to me. Plus just the blowing on me dries me out. I wish there was a way to turn it. I like my little spot and there is no way to rearrange this furniture because this apartment is too small. First world problems.


Buy another heater ?


Ive got a electric heated blanket, i keep over my legs - cos like you i live on the sofa in front of the tv and keyboard. You can get em off amazon.


I second @Naarai but if I remember right @Leaf you already have one


How you doing @Naarai? Still sober?


@Loke Yeah Still Sober! Cravings are a bit of a pain tho - cos i got the taste for it again. I wlll get there.

Im fine tho - spending my days on the sofa, then i been going to bed early to listen to a book. Pretty quiet and boring here really! lol. Only been out to put the rubbish out. Been hibernating :slight_smile:


Yes, I have one. It helps. But the heater still blows on my face and hands which are not under the blanket.


We had our first snow of the season overnight. Like several inches of snow. Very pretty but going out to feed the animals is a chore. Not horrible though.

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We dont get snow where i live - just freezing fog off the sea. Last white xmas was over 6 years ago. Hows you darling piggy Precious? I want one! :smiley:

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She’s fine. She’s hiding somewhere away from the snow

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I wear long sleeved fleece shirts under my T-shirts now because I’ve been so cold lately. I used to be able to go out in nothing but a sweater in the winter, sometimes if not for very long even in a T-shirt. But not this year. I’m always cold now


I used to see those Snuggie things advertised a lot. It’s like a blanket with sleeves, so your arms are free to read or whatever. They actually look pretty cool because I get cold a lot in my old age of 44.


May I ask what country you live in? Is it a cold environment? Is this just the start of winter for you and do you anticipate a lot of cold feeling inthe winter?

I live in the high desert in Northern California USA. It’s only the beginning of our cold weather here. It will get much, much colder so the heater will be running more and more. But I’m moving soon, so I won’t be sitting he the whole time. So there’s something to be thankful for and look forward to.


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