Where do you buy your clothes from ? And how much do you spend on them?

I need to get some new clothes but have no idea where i can go to get them as a short fat woman. The leading brands are always catered to taller skinny women

I get a lot of my clothes at thrift shops.


Spending a lot for quality clothes, they’re lasting longer, so I can save money.

At local dealers.

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I mostly get my clothes second hand. In Norway people often give away clothes in excellent condition to the salvation army and others. It’s amazing what I have found, and to a very affordable price.


In my case I am still slowly losing weight and have about sixty pounds left to go. It doesn’t make sense to spend a fortune on new clothing that I will shrink out of. I am better off with a $1 t-shirt and $4 used jeans right now.


A shirt for $1 ?

That’s magic

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Wherever I can find the best deal at the time. I use coupons and sales and thrift shops.

Once a year I buy 3 tops for warmer weather, 2 slots, and shorts.

Once a year I buy 3 tops for cooler weather, leggings and a long skirt unless I have at least one that fits.

I wear my clothes each year after I buy them until they fall apart


Trash can :wastebasket: …free :free: :partying_face:


I get most of my clothes from Lands End because they’re my style and they send me catalogs all the time.



I’m gonna get you a Walmart gift card for Christmas. :laughing:

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Actually all my clothes are gifts, but only the shoes I select :slightly_smiling_face:

I love shoe shopping

I like single molded shoes !!


Charity shops, Vinted, mandm direct

Used to get them from sports direct and TKmax

But they’re too expensive now

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About every five years or so I buy a pair of jeans for $50 from a local department store. I buy other stuff occasionally but that’s a memorable purchase.

People like to mock Walmart clothing, but it holds up really well. A lot better than more expensive brands.

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Probably made in the same sweatshop



I know I find it kind of funny. It’s like “I paid 100$ for my made overseas shirt, it must be better than your 20$ made overseas shirt!”


I’ve had a few pair of Walmart jeans for 6 years … Still going strong :muscle:t5:

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That would be awesome :sunglasses: I could buy more laundry soap :soap: for my garbage clothes :grin:

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LOL! :laughing:

Nah, if it wasn’t against the rules I would mail you a bunch of shirts my man. :hugs:

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Second hand shops or Amazon. It’s hard to find clothes in my size anywhere else.

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