When you first went on antipsychotics,

How long did it take before all of your positive symptoms went away? (hallucinations, forget about paranoia)

How many days, weeks, months

For me the first time round, it took about 2 to 3 months max but I’m not even sure now… My memory may serve me wrong

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They never go away
They was very resistant but i was taking it anyway

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It took me about a month

Uh…5 years? It never went away fully

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2 days?

After that i was still scared and paranoid, but because of the circumstances. What was left was more trauma than psychosis.

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10 years. I dont think the meds really helped me much.

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It took a few weeks before I was back enough to comprehend what was going on. It was at a terrible price of weight gain and being a zombie for two years.

I didn’t feel ‘well’ until I was on Latuda, but then I got akathisia and had to stop that as well.

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