Do you keep your wrist raised or do you drop it on the pad. I got in the habit of resting my wrist on the pad and now it’s hard to stop it. My piano training is having a fit at my laziness. How about you?
I don’t use a pad, but I rest my wrist on the table I am using. I think most people have their wrist resting. I don’t think it’s laziness on your part. I think that is just the way people do it.
I dont really use the mouse that much anymore. Grab it to click sometimes then use the keyboard to scroll
Challenge yourself to lifting it. I dare you.
Yeah, I tried it before I typed my first response. It was very uncomfortable.
I bought a piano keyboard for my birthday and have only played it once.
Do you know how to play or did you get it to learn?
I got it to learn.
I need a higher desk. My current one is low I bend my back so now its curved. My friend bought straps to keep the back straight. Maybe I should try them as I play video games on my PC everyday.
I have a wrist rest with my mousepad so I use that.
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