When was your last good day

My last good day was last Monday. I went to see my therapist because she had a cancelation. Then I think if I remember correctly I went to Chik fa let (spelling) and got their woffle fries with chick fa let sauce. It was good.

My days are usually a mixture of bad and good.

From despair to hope, from anger to contentment, from madness to depressing reality.

These are the days of our lives.

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Probably last time my sister called me.

last Friday

when we got Hum

I don’t remember.

Yesterday was great! I spent the day with my husband. We ran a few errands and ended up buying a new mattress. I can’t wait for it to arrive, but that means we have to clean our room so the deliverers can take away our old mattress and get the new one up here. When we got the mattress, it was 60% off, another 10% off of that, then we got a free box springs! In addition, we got a $200 gift card for Sears. We bought a grill. We have been needing one desperately. Ours is a rust bucket. I just don’t know how to ditch it. No one will want it.

The only downside is that I’ve been really short-tempered. I went from euphoric to mean. I don’t like it at all.


Today is a good day. :slight_smile: I’m feeling lots and lots better this week. Nothing special really today, just managed to clean up a bit, and I’ve succeeded in eating very healthily this week which I’m proud of, spent some time with my son, and will see him again in an hour. Did have some negative thoughts, but not to bad, and now I’m feeling relaxed and stable.

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