But what I know now isn’t getting me the places I want to be.
When I thought of my childhood sometimes I would think, "If I only knew back then, what I know now."
Where do you want to be? You still taking classes?
I’m skipping sumer session and waiting until Fall. The college I take classes at only has accelerated classes for summer quarter. That means instead of a regular 2 1/2 month session, they offer 6-week sessions that cram all the work of the 2 1/2 into it. I tried it once last year and it’s too much work.
I’m doing the same. Are you taking classes at the local community college like me?
Yes, but they’re online classes.
I just finished up some online classes… I didn’t like it because I missed having real life classmates.
Yeah, I liked being on campus. But right now, online classes are good for me.
It’s probably for the best that I didn’t know then what I know now. Like that getting written up at school is not a big deal.