When did you get white hair?

My sister has chronic migraines and is already developing white hair at 29. My mom got white hair at 40 and my dad not til he was 60!

I reckon I have decent genes for not getting white hair.

But the more stress, the more the white hair. And stress is my biggest weakness. When I get stress I get psychotic. It’s why I can’t work much and so and such.

Interested when people with SZ get white hair. I’d imagine it’s earlier than your average population but maybe I’m wrong. When did you get your first white hair. I’m 25 and have no white hairs but wouldn’t be surprised if I did in the next couple years.

My hair is turning white actually.

As if i saw a ghost or something.

How old are you?

My hair started graying when I turned15.

Sorry to hear that, you’re beautiful no matter what. i think if i grew a beard i’d have white hairs in the beard…but not on the top of my head.

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I called it turning gray.

My ex-best friend who was the same age as me (born a month apart) started getting white hair before I ever did. I’m 31 now and no sign of white hair at all. My father is 66 and has that salt and pepper color going on (white on the sides, black on top). I figure I was pretty lucky in the gene pool save for being an Arabian in the West and ruining all my potential by turning to drugs.

To young for white hair.

It began to change colors when they came and tormented me. Having everything stripped from your life will do that.

I noticed my first white hair at 27 years old. I’m 31 now and I have a few now in the front and on top, but it’s not so noticeable amongst the brown hairs.

I was in my mid/late 20s when I got my first grey hairs.