Grey hairs

I see more of them :frowning:


That sucks. I have a million of them, but I’m kinda old. When I used to notice them when I was young I would just pluck em. There weren’t enough for me to get too worried.


A blue rinse with curlers should sort that out! :rofl:


I recall having read a report noting that grey hair is largely due to genetics and cellular stress - not the kind of stress that you feel when the boss is breathing down your neck. Accumulated DNA damage prevents the pigment cells from producing pigment appropriately and the hair becomes pigment-less.

There are people who are genetically prone to losing hair color at a young age such as Anderson Cooper. It has not hurt his career.


I’ve got them too,

We’re just about that age.

Mine have come in a streak in the front of my hair,

Like Mrs. Munster.

Image result for Mrs Munster

I almost like it,

Very silver fox.


Some people say my grey hairs is attractive


Don’t sweat it, you still have a quite a few years before the nose hairs start poking out with a vengeance.


Apparently the darker your hair the earlier you typically get grey hairs. Something about the amount of melanin needed to keep hair dark is harder and harder to maintain.


My hair is totally salt and pepper grey. And I love it. I became much more noticeably grey right after my son died, when I was 51 years old. It happened the same way, with my mom, when her son died (my brother).

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I am so in love with her

Yvonne de carlo


Gray hair is cool! I’m sure it looks fine on you!

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Haha, my mother keeps telling me she was barely in her twenties when her first grey hairs showed up :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m just about 28, and I don’t have a single one yet, but my hair is pretty dark so when the greys do come, they will be noticeable.
I hope it doesn’t happen until at least after my thirties though.


I think it is because I started colouring :frowning:

They already do and have for a while, my girlfriend bought me a little nose hair trimmer like 5-6 years ago @77nick77!
I even have some weird hair growing inside and on the edges of both ears. Every once in a while I’ll shave them with a razor, but almost every time I do I nick them. When I get my hair cut at the $8.00 barber, the little Asian ladies there will trim my ears and even my bushy old man eyebrows lol.


Got some grey hairs aswell. Prolly got em from my mothers side.

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My mom claims to have gotten her first gray hair when she was in her early 20s I got my first ones in my mid 20s. According to my partner and her little sister I have alot of gray hair and I’m only 30


I got my grey hairs around 40. My younger sister got grey hairs in her teens.


I noticed my first grey hair when i was nearly 28. Now (at nearly 34) I have several, mostly in the front right side, and one or two on top. I’m thrilled actually! I’m finally getting wise lol! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have always have multiple color hair. My mostly red beard was the first to turn on me. Later it was my dirty blonde hair on my head. Now my dark eyebrows have some white hairs.

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