What's your tolerance to pain

1 being very poor and 10 being immune to pain. Both mentally emotionally and physically.

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Do you think sz has made pain more tolerable to you over the years?

  • Yes
  • No

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My tolerance to schiz symptoms has vastly improved but physical pain still bothers me.

I am not sure if there is a benefit to being more tolerant to schiz. Maybe more thick skinned.

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I think my tolerance to pain is okay. When I was in the hospital for drinking draino the hallucinations were worse that the pain from having my insides dissolve. Although the need to vomit was greater. Also I cracked a rib I think in high school and walked around with it normally till it healed. Although that wasn’t as painful as when I tried parkor and messed up my shins so I couldn’t run for a month or two.

I have thrown away the objective vision of life, killed my hopes and dreams, killed all emotional feeling, where only numbness and emptiness remained, to perserver through the agony of insanity. I wish to learn how to feel again.

Pain threshold is rather high…

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High pain thresholds runs in my family (father’s side) … it’s a blessing and a curse. I’ve burnt myself badly that many times and not treated it immediately due to shrugging it off … when I was a baker. :slight_smile: I voted 7 for me. My brother would be 8 for sure. I’ve watched him rip off his entire big toe nail with pliers simply because it was ingrowing and annoying him. Almost made me faint haha

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That just makes me cringe. Your bro is a 9.5 IMO .

Pain all the time now, every body part takes its turn. I work and move a lot of heavy stuff, so that accounts for most of the pain, Arthritis tends to move around pain depending what you did, say a leg work out the knees will go at it etc, Have 2 torn tendons in my right shoulder so lifting upwards does it in, and recently added a hernia to my collection.

Living the dream…

I wouldn’t say it didn’t hurt him. He just seems to enjoy flirting with pain. As a teen he used to deliberately induce muscle cramps simply because the challenge of riding it out until the cramp itself gave up was appealing to him. I’ve also watched him react to being king hit as though shooing a fly. The downfall is how many scars you end up with!

Hey Mountainman, greentigress by another name here xx Sorry to hijack slightly

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I feel you … I have bilateral subacromial bursitis that apparently should be debilitating. My shoulders sound like knuckles cracking when I move them. I also have a fibromyalgia like condition. The first tell that I’m in pain is usually anger … I typically realise in retrospect why I’ve been so edgy ha

OMG, long time no see PM me if you want

Oh man I had a hernia surgery when I was 14…right before my freshman year of hs. It ruined my life. I ate 8 chicken wings, 8 Oreos and a large glass of Milk every night during my recovery and gained like 30 pounds. Then didn’t make the baseball team. Don’t be like me. If it weren’t for that I think my sz wouldn’t have been as bad. It was a traumatizing moment to me---->lead me to entering a fantasy world

I have been told by a number of people before that I have a high pain tolerance. Once I participated in a study that actually looked at the connection between how people manage emotional and physical pain and there was one part where you had to hold your hand in a bucket of ice water for as long as possible. Apparently I went so long that I reached the secret limit of when the tester was supposed to make you take your hand out because it would be dangerous to continue. Another time when I was giving blood the nurses messed up and couldn’t find my vein so they were digging the giant needle around in me and they commented on how calm I was. (Hurt like crap though!!)

In my opinion my ability to tolerate pain comes both from experiencing high levels of emotional pain frequently and my disconnect from my physical body, as I am also fairly immune to temperature as well.

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Ouch. Yuck. Ouch.

Yeah I agree used to so much pain it’s just another day. Had the same thing happen to me with a nurse, finally told her to go get someone that knew what they were doing before she ripped my whole arm apart, it all went black and blue later.

A cop and a dentist both told my (ex) husband that I had a ‘very high’ pain tolerance, the dentist said an infection in one of my back teeth was so bad it actually had moved the bone in my jaw.
That infection stemmed from a fight 3 years prior with a rogue cop (same that said I was very pain tolerant) where he hit me so hard it knocked a 24 year old filling out of the tooth (the same one that got infected).

Ouch. Hey! I said ouch. Don’t make me come down there.

I’m a wuss and i know it. With the mental problems probably moreso than physical pain. You guys are weird.

While on the topic of pain … is it normal to have top and bottom jaw wisdom teeth slightly penetrating the gums? They seem to go up and down, but are always protruding at least a mm or two and it is mildly uncomfortable all the time, so it just gets tuned out. Probably should address it one day