Take that quick test to see what personality type you are. I’m interested to see what other schizophrenics are. Some people say if you have an SMI you don’t really have a type. I don’t buy that.
Take that quick test to see what personality type you are. I’m interested to see what other schizophrenics are. Some people say if you have an SMI you don’t really have a type. I don’t buy that.
Intj 1515151515
Typical INFP here
INFP is the type i usually get. Sometimes INFJ or INTP. I dont mind being INFP, it’s pretty good.
I am also an INFP almost every time I take the test
Interesting, interesting. I’m willing to bet 99% of schizophrenics are introverts. Do any of you think you were an extrovert before the illness?
I get a different result every time I take the test. I’m right on the border in almost every category, except I’m always a hardcore extrovert.
I think I’m infj. Not sure…
Nope I’ve taken the test a few times over the years and it’s always INTJ.
Intj-A . I have been an Intj for as long as I remember taking tests.
Infp but im not poetic.
Infp. 15151515
Da Intp. Da Incredibly-Noodily-Tasty-Pasta
Almost every test I do comes up with INFJ.
INFP type 151515151515
just took it have no idea what it means tho, INFJ-T, can someone explain for me?
ISFJ - the defender
It should have given you something to read after. You can always search INFJ on youtube. It will tell you more about your personality. I’m also an INFJ.
ISFJ-T defender
Always come out as an INTP.