Hi Guys
Ever since a while ago I’ve been interested in the 16 different types of personality covered by MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
Take the free test here
I’m an ENTP. Let me know what you guys are
Hi Guys
Ever since a while ago I’ve been interested in the 16 different types of personality covered by MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
Take the free test here
I’m an ENTP. Let me know what you guys are
I’m an INFJ, advocate, which is rare according to this.
I get on well with xNTx and xNFx types but I don’t deal well with xSFx types - they seem to have a completely different outlook on life
i did it a few times bc there has been multiple threads on this subject throughout the years but i cant remember what it said i was, my pdoc re-diagnosed me as mixed personality disorder so idk what the heck that means, maybe its just another way for him to call me a weirdo lol
I got
I believe that I have taken this test on this forum before though. Possibly more than once. Can’t remember previous results.
I got, your personality type is:
Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists.
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