What's your least favorite physical trait?

Mine is my hairy lip

and I refuse to manicure it like my daughter does.

Phil has made comments about it.

Imperfection is beauty!

I’m not sure but my stomach sticks out a lot at the bottomright below my belly button. Can never get rid of those flab’s of fat.


I got racoon eyes.

I joked to my nieces that I look like I got in a fight and lost.

Had them since fourth grade.

I feel ‘better’ just looking at it as, ‘racoon eyes’. Sounds…cute? Endearing? Idk the word lol.

It makes me feel a bit better though rather than ‘staring at it’.

Reminds me of some lyrics I just read about ‘looking for perfection’ when it doesn’t exist…


I have 7 or 8 bad scars from stitches.

Some would consider it a flaw but I like them then again I’m a male.


I have a wide neck and kind of a double chin

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My teeth and my stretch marks. All from the illness and meds over time.

I have little things I dont like. But I’m okay now. I think I used to be above average looking.

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I have a mustache and a big belly

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My teeth are also kinda messed but did gum disease treatments now they look much better. I used to have stretch marks too but they went away and now I’m down 15 lbs than my highest weight.


I don’t like my nose :confused:

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ahhh my feet.
i have permanent nerve damage in eight o my toes,
got frostbite a few years back.


My tummy which has gotten fatter so I look 3 months pregnant
And my teeth - they’re awfully crooked

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My belly is my least favorite. I also have scars from cutting.

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just consider them love handles

Phil says that’s my problem too

it doesn’t feel big to me, but then, the rest of my body is in shape.

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My hair follicles. I’m mostly bald on top, and I hate it. It’s time to have my barber just buzz all of my hair off, be done with it.

Everybody with mental illness has a big belly.

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It’s always been that way though for me. I used to have a BMI if arohbd 19-20 and it was still bothersome to me

Now I don’t care as much tho

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I did pilates for years

but hell, just let it go.

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Yeah I don’t really care at all anymore lol but when I was 18-24 I was really insecure but since taking meds I feel less insecure

I prefer not to say out loud.

My least favorite physical trait is my damaged arm. It hurts so bad, so often.

If we’re talking appearances, I wish I could grow a big, bushy beard. And wings. I would love to be able to fly!