Everyone likes dinosaurs. What’s your favorite? Bonus points for pics and fun facts.

Brontosaurus. Because they were vegetarian. So you could actually meet one and they wouldn’t eat you.
Brontosaurus 15 char.
Those are pterosaurs, not dinosaurs. But still cool.
They look like a combination of a snake and a turtle.
T. rex came closer to humans in time than it did to the stegosaurus in time.
looks like giant birds to me lol
Oh after seeing your comment I realize mine isn’t actually a dinosaur either!
i heard they werent very good at ping pong
looks like a dinosaur lol
We don’t have to be picky today. Pterosaurs, reptiles, mammals, whatever.
What I think is crazy is you think dinosaurs must have been the biggest animals ever, yet the biggest animal ever to have lived is the blue whale which is alive now
(Nb this doesn’t include the super fungi organisms which can be miles across)
Also aspen groves! Which creep me out a little bit, honestly.
that dudes got a cool fringe lol
This whole thread gives me fond memories of the tv show Tera nova. I loved that show! Was so disappointed when they cancelled it.