Do crocodiles count??
do you remember this little guy?
Omg that show is soooooooooo awful! I tried to rewatch it a few years ago (because I loved it growing up) when it got in Netflix and only made it like 3 minutes in. It’s so bad.
I tried to find a pic of my fave growing up which was ‘the land before time’ but i couldn’t get one i could use lol
Any and all raptors.
The famous dinosaur with bad eyesight: doyouthinkhesaurus
I actually giggled at this. 🤦
The Velociraptor!
This picture is probably outdated, though. It seems a lot of the dinoes had feathers.
@far_cry0 is the red one
He’s my friend. I love him just like he says.
Dino and Hoppy.
Mine is also a stegosaurus
If I have to pick just one, and I do have to because @led threatened to expose my secret shame of chain eating cakes each Saturday night (oops, unread that) then I would say brontosaurus.
I had a weird dream tonight.
I told someone i wanna go on another planet. And i was sure there is a planet with life on it.
And then i saw myself zooming in on the map of space. I picked a star and started zooming in. And i got better and better pic of this planet. And in the end i saw there were goats on one.
Gotta be the ankylosaur, funny face + can knock a car over with it’s Big tail
But seriously. I love all dinos. I hope that I’m still alive when they discover if they had feathers or not and refined the errors of carbon dating.
I think terror birds were pretty cool looking