Anything at all in the world you just can’t stand
Nails on a chalkboard for me
Anything at all in the world you just can’t stand
Nails on a chalkboard for me
Bad music … It’s legit as bad as nails on a chalkboard for me. I just can’t listen to it lol
Like radio music ughhh
When your in a quiet space and you need to toots.
Micromanagers. Just let me be!
In no particular order:
Bad music, even more so loud bad music.
Certain spider species that infest our backyard towards the end of Summer.
People who are able to work, but won’t, resorting to begging or trickeries instead.
Icy roads.
In the category of small nuisance…
Raining all wet and needing to walk around with wet clothes or shoes all day.
Forgetting things because of the side effects.
Pulling the door behind you and the exact moment it closes realising you forgot your keys.
People saying they aren’t angry then doing microaggressions (eye rolling, sighing, etc).
I thought I had none! But I have many!
I love myself as I am but my disability annoys me sometimes. I can’t walk long distances anymore.
Me, myself and I
Ongoing drama with my wife’s elder relatives. Her mother is super high needs and will not move close to us. She is four hours away and needs constant attention and rides to the doctor. I had a huge fight with my wife this past week as I refused to book time off to take her to appointments - she has already run my wife out of time off for the year. Her mom has a sister and brother in the area who can take her, but won’t because she is such a miserable bxxxx.
If she wants us to be the ones to run her to appointments then she needs to move to a facility close to us so we don’t lose two days with a one hour appointment and mile out our vehicles.
The last two weeks have been something else.
Myself, when I feel insecure.
That would be an elderly relative that I have to take care of. They’re poisonous and toxic.
It’s the worst
The recent deluge of medical and dental appointments lately. And the potential conditions resulting in them.
I feel you. I’m not in the same boat, but we’re in the same marina.
People who chew with their mouths open. Or people who say something like SELF reflected on MYSELF. Or people who say 6AM in the MORNING. No need for the doubles.
Dunno why it gets under my skin so much. One that bothers me a little less is when people say “whenever” instead of “when”.
People lie about me, constantly.
The star ain’t done ■■■■ recently!
Currently some poor soul that keeps knocking my door at an un-earthly hour asking for tobacco. I give him a wedge and hes back 3 hours later lol. He likes to raid the communal ashtray outside as well.
Im tempted to buy him a vape for 40 quid lol. Then he wont keep knocking.