for me it was 2400-3000 miles not sure the distance exactly from the eastern midwest to the pacific ocean, maybe it was a little further than that. with stops to rest of course.
About three hours drive 270km length
longest distance in one day was 16 hours at 70miles per hour so 16 times 70 is 1,120 miles in one day. if my math is correct.
Only about 50 miles/ km
Florida to California man that was long.
i’ve always wanted to drive I-10 from florida to california.
That what i did straight i 10, it was crazy
From South Carolina to California.
It was a week long nightmare.
just the other day dad was saying i should take a trip by myself again sometime. im thinking i might go visit michigan next summer by myself and drive there. its about 6-8 hours on the road from here to get where i would going.
wow now that’s a drive.
18 hrs from lawrence ks to mcallen tx made this trip on multiple occasions no breaks
I drove from the Gold Coast to south Australia with a walki talki and my boyfriend directing me and driving in front of me.
Can’t believe I did it.
I was crying though and it was pretty full on and really stretched what I thought I could do and scary with dessert lands although I love dessert lands could be difficult if one gets in trouble.
My x is the best leader to able me to do that but I will not obey him when I disagree.
I will not be a obedient meat eater because that’s not the person I want to be.
He is the person I love most in the world.
Wonder if he will ever take me back under my conditions.(veganism etc)
I drove from Nashville, TN to Chicago, IL, once on no sleep. I made it there. My friends are important to me.
Colorado to New York. But we took turns.
Orlando Florida to mid Oklahoma…
Nashville to Virginia Beach
Arkansas to Maryland, 1020 miles.
Calgary, Alberta to Montreal, Quebec in Canada.
I did 8 hour drives a lot from my old home town to here before I moved here to come see Mom and once I moved here I went back to my old home town to visit friends and family. I got pretty good at that drive. It was beautiful in some parts. I’ve taken some 8 hour drives to the Oregon coast also. I don’t know the distance though.
I did a road trip of about 19 hours to a wedding in the country. That was a fun trip. We had a sleep in between though so it wasn’t all in one day.