What's something clever your pets do?

Was just watching my dog leaving my room a few minutes ago. She is likely going out to harass my dad into getting up and giving her a morning chew stick and feeding her.

Anyway, I leave my door mostly closed but not latched so that the dog can manipulate it to come in and out. It obviously isn’t too impressive that she can push doors open when she is on the side that swings out. What is a little more cool is that she knows, when on the side that the door swings in, to push the door just hard enough with her paw so that the spring loaded latch bounces off the frame/bracket without closing the door. This way, the door swings open enough for her to get through. Sometimes it takes a couple tries for her to get it just right, but she always finds her way out.

What’s something clever your pets do?


After witnessing my cat. Licking a bar of English Spring. Climb up a post backwards. But I wouldn’t say this was clever.

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Good thread.

I don’t know if any of this is very clever as much as maybe odd, but still.

One of my dogs growing up brought us a present every time someone walked in the house.

He was an inside dog, so thankfully it was never like a dead mouse or something.

Almost all the time it was exactly one square of toilet paper.

We still have no idea how he was able to get exactly one, perfect square every time.

No one left it out for him, and it was brand new, not crumpled up.

It had to have been off the roll.


Don’t know, he took that information to the grave.
Another dog was a total tattle tale.

He was a medium sized pit bull and I also had two schnauzers.

The schnauzers were all the time getting into ■■■■ they weren’t allowed to.

If they were out of sight, he’d come in the room and look right at me with these big, knowing eyes.

Immediately I knew those little jerks were up to something and he was always right.

My current dog “dances” when she wants stuff.

It starts with just some huffy barking.

Then she’ll run in little circles,

Then if you continue to ignore her, she’ll go up on two legs and go around a couple times.

We call it “dancing”.


All dogs are weird in their own special way.


Haha, that is so neat. Great stories.

At the first real job I worked at at a steel plant, there was a stray cat that hung around the yard and would bring us innards of rabbits and mice it had killed. Totally gross.


Somebody should do a post on how our pets train us to do things.


Schnoobi the cat is very affectionate when she’s not feeling shy she kisses my forehead and eyes with her wet nose


My old dog, Spike, was a jack Russel terrier. He was so smart.
He would lay at the bottom of my bed until he thought I was asleep and then he would get up and hang out in the house sniffing around. Looking for mice and stuff but if I went no don’t leave me alone. If I was still awake he would jump back on the bed when he got off. He basically was my babysitter
(I was really young)


Our first dog Mindy could climb ladders up and down and get on roofs. If someone tried to take something out of the yard and no one was home she would literally try to stop them or once she kept hopping on the back of a truck with the item.
Our dog Cash was so sensitive to peoples troubles, if someone was upset she would be there to console them. She was the biggest help during my psychosis and untreated days.
Sam doesn’t do anything really clever yet but most times she can sense when someone is coming and I know, or she is really good at knowing what time it is. She gets a biscuit at noon, 3pm and at 9pm, she knows these times and she likes to go outside almost exactly two hours from the last time. She’s pretty spot on.


Max, our big dog used to get out of the back yard by pulling a light concrete block we had blocking the gate towards him until he could get through the gate…we put heavier concrete blocks there now so it doesn’t happen. Cats are smarter than dogs.

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My cat Colette used to open my bedroom door in the mornings to wake me up so I could feed her.
She’d push the door open all the way

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my black cat, Shadow saved my life once…I was asleep and put some hot coals accidentally in the trash can…went to sleep and woke up with Shadow on my chest meowing loudly…I looked over and the trash can was on fire…

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Cece jumps through the bedroom window to go into the main house.

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She wasn’t necessarily clever but I had a cat that’d do something pretty funny.

She would get in the shower with me! I had to be careful to close the door really well. She loved to be wet. She would sneak into the shower with me, try to get in the sink. She passed away 8 years ago. She was a funny girl.
Here’s a picture of her in the shower.

And one of her being cute while I am very sleepy.


I like your cat, she was cute and funny indeed.


She was such a good girl. I miss her all the time. I can’t wait til I can get another pet. They are such a source of happiness for me.


Will you get another cat?


Yes and a dog as well.


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