What's are your guilty pleasures?

Homemade curry and rice
Tea with honey and cinnamon
And here it is I LOVE the housewives of range county
What’s your guilty pleasure
Please no dirty stuff LOL


Greesy french fries and chicken
Chocolate milk
Napping instead of cleaning ( sorry thats kinda dirty :stuck_out_tongue: )


sleeping all day.


Wallowing in guilt every day.

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Hmm I will always break out in song no matter where I am when I hear this song.

exposing myself to women

Dancing to music
Ice cream and chocolate and chips

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New Adventures of Old Christine. It’s definitely the type of show I’d hate, but it’s on at late, relaxing hours so I watch it.

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are you /f or /m? Just wondering because you said you expose yourself.

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Taking selfies right @sarad??? :slight_smile:


Yep! But binging on ice cream first!


Buying a book at the thrift store.
It gives me euphoria when I find a book that I’ve been looking for for a long time.


I like to munch on stuff when I get home from work and before dinner. Chips, crackers, nuts… literally anything I can find and then wash it down with a cold beer.


Those aren’t guilty pleasure foods! Tea is good for you! When I think of guilty pleasure foods I think of pastries and candy and mac and cheese and hrrrng.

Just teasing :slight_smile:

My guilty pleasures are stupid smut reality tv shows like the kind they show on tlc and ridiculous romance animes and games aimed at middle school girls lol

Porn. 151515151515

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don’t worry about that kind of stuff, my friend. why does it matter?

anyhow, my guilty pleasure is ordering fast food. I can’t afford it and could definitely be using my money for better things. used to be pr0n, but I haven’t watched for almost 2 weeks… stopped enjoying it as much as I used to…

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Tea and biscuits I eat the whole pack on a cheat day


It used to be drinking a whole pitcher of heavily sweetened ice tea. I can be very immoderate in my eating. Sometimes I put so much sugar on my breakfast cereal that it is not too different from eating sugar when I eat it.


“Drinking, smoking weed, and all types of ill sh*t” (Don’t Be a Menace…)

Jk, I don’t drink anymore.

My biggest guilty pleasure food is pasta, as far as what I indulge in the most, love it, not really into sweets, pastries, etc.