What would you teach?

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Economics
0 voters

I want ideas :smiley:


Maths because economics is boring and teaching physics is daunting, for me

Like I said to you earlier, as long as one understands maths then it’s fun.

And what better teacher can there be than one that makes maths fun to the students.

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I find economics more fun than maths lol :laughing:

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Oh okay. Why do you find economics fun?

… To be fair, economics is probably interesting I just don’t have any idea about it except that it involves money lol.

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None of these my man, sorry LOL. :sweat_smile:

I would have to teach something in the arts. Like acoustic guitar or filmmaking.


Nah, its not about money. Its about trade/markets/decision-making- money is just a consequence of markets!

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Filmmaking would be lit :fire:


None of those. My teaching area was literacy, fingerpainting and how not to bite. Explains a lot about me really.


Primary school was fun! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Oh right

My dad did economics at uni.

I should ask him about it sometime

It’s good to be clued up about it somewhat because I’m sure it affects me somehow :dizzy_face:

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My class would have to be something I have experience with…like maybe “How to get diabetes, colon polyps, liver problems, start to go bald and many other conditions all in a few years, 101.”

I know its kind of a long title for a class but I’m sure it would be in high demand.

Maybe I should just call it “how to fall apart in your late 40’s and beyond”


That would be the time of my life.

“Okay class! Today we’re gonna take LSD, and watch Eraserhead!”


(Totally joking btw. Eraserhead is the kind of movie that makes you FEEL like you’re on LSD even though you’re as clean as a whistle.)


Ideally I would teach art or music if I was extremely gifted in those

Because that would be most fun and most satisfying to see your own students inherit that enjoyment.

All other topics are generally a bit daunting because they are quite serious and ppl desire good grades so need a great teacher.

And I can’t teach philosophy though I like that subject, the reason being that my unusual beliefs might get in the way of the curriculum and what I teach to students.


I teach photography to teens at the junior high school.


You could totally teach “pin the diabetes on the bald old guy” to 2nd graders. I’d teach, “How to lose 70% of your organs in three years”. :joy:


wow. Dark. :rofl:


You end the lesson with, “Ask your parents when they are going to die” when they get home.


I’d teach a how to course about thinking like a complete boss. Wouldn’t be about business or anything like that.


I would teach about the importance of brushing teeth.

And the risks of not brushing teeth

Scare everyone into brushing their teeth.

Teeth are great

Tooth pain is not.

Gum pain is not.

Loosing teeth is not fun

Not saying people can’t adapt.

But I think preventative tooth care is worthy.


In the past, I’ve had to teach people many things. I was A4H leader at 1 time. And had to run aboard. I thought things like photography. Raising rabbits And clay art sculptures. I never pursued a career of becoming a teacher. I thought it was pointless. There are too many things people need. Then to be lectured. I got my education. With A Secondary Diploma In automotive Mechanics And auto body… Start college and industrial arts. After failing Financially I went on to work in a factory. And running a farming business. I raised 3 kids. There’s a lot of teaching in that.