What were you into when you were 13?

There was certainly no internet when I was 13. I think I was 25 when I got my first windows computer. But I was in to 80s rock bands, BMX racing, and camping out in the woods.


I liked soccer esp liverpool fcā€¦i was a nice kid but proably a bit too naive and thus got bullied alot

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Nintendo 64? I think thatā€™s around the time I was 13 or 14.


At 13 pet shop boys and Tanita Tikaram
And vandalism
14 soul2soul then rock / metal / goth
And drinking
15 pink Floyd and drugs
16 psychedelic and paranoid
17 the voices in my head

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I was obsessed with Michael Jackson lol! :laughing:


I used to love the Jackson 5 and michael jackson too! I learned all their dances and listened to their music!

I watched a lot of cartoons. I watched the Disney afternoon when I got home from school. I watched a lot of sports. I played baseball and soccer during the year. I never said a word to my teammates. Played my Super Nintendo.

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Good thread.

I was huge into filmmaking at 13, me and my best friend built a green screen out of poster boards and we had a lot of fun.

And, longboarding.

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I was into cringy boybands who now make me gag when I hear their cheesy autotuned music :face_vomiting:

When I was 13 I was going through my first depressive episode. It was the first time I tried to kill myself.

On a brighter note; I also was a somewhat normal kid. I liked anime, electronic music, satanism, the occult, girls, chocolate, energy drinks, Audrey Hepburn, video games, ect. (Basically the same stuff I like now lol)

I think I first started smoking at 13 as well. I watched a lot of old movies on TCM so I thought smoking was kinda glamorous and artsy.

I was also taking piano lessons for about 6 years by the time I was 13, so I was involved a lot with that. I also loved drama (like theatre, not fights)

I wanted to be a model and I was keeping up with fashion week(s) and streaming high fashion runway shows and stealing change to buy vogue magazine.

I was a basketball fanatic from 10-18 years old. I was really good. I practiced everyday. after high school I had the option to play at a division 3 college but it was just too expensive. I kind of regret not going through with it, but Iā€™m kinda happy I moved on with my life away from adulesence and into adulthood. I was too short anywaysā€¦5ā€™9.

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I was a basketball fanatic from a young age. I played varsity in high school but I was better as a real youngster because I didnā€™t practice much in high school.

Do you follow the NBA?


Classic rock and cartoons.

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I dont watch very much NBA anymore, it was a little too isolation and pick and roll heavy for awhile there. I like ball movement and 3 point shooting best. I think all starters should average 3-7 assists, instead of the ball being in one guys hands all the time. I actually became a big baseball fan instead, I like to analyze the stats, drink a beer and scout the game.

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Yeah, there are lots of NBA players who are all about isolationā€¦ Lance Stephenson and Monta Ellis come to mind (Monta is a free agent though, but was once the best player on the Warriors).

If you want vintage, fun basketball, watch the Clippers, Warriors, Pacers, etc.

Baseball is cool, I used to be a SF Giants fan when I lived near there.

Have a good one

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Being emo.
I was very depressed and not emotionally nor brain-wise mature enough to handle it properly.
I hung onto negative emotions and would cry in bed for days. I wore all black and listened to sad music and self-harmed.
I even wore those long sleeve-like armwarmers with black stripes on them.

I am so glad Iā€™m no longer a teenager.


Runescape!! All day and all night! I was obsessed, lol.

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Iā€™m having a hard time remembering. lol. Think I was done climbing trees by then. Think make up, hair, midrifs, hip hugger flare jeans, rock n roll, parties, the book and movie exorcist, tropical fish (pirahnas), strobe and black lights with glowing posters, a dozen steamer clams, pickled veggies. Oh yeah creative writing and writing poetry and sketching doodling a lot.


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