What voice do you hear? POLL

I’m curious what sex voice you hear.

  • same sex as me
  • opposite sex
  • both sexes

0 voters

When I heard voices it might’ve been mixed between the sexes but mostly was a 40 year old blonde female. some woman I thought she was in my neighborhood. Yeah if my mind is my neighborhood

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I have one female voice and two male.

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Two male, two female.

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I have an immediate one would sounds just like me this is called an inner voice when I was delusional and hearing multiple ones they weren’t gender exactly


All my voices sound the same. They sound like a male voice.

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I have one voice that sounds like a bitchy woman


I have one of each. I have nicknamed them Goober and the wart pig :rofl:

Got to keep your sense of humour


I only hear angry whispering the last time was a few months after i started invega

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I hear both sexes. It varies.

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mine have said they can be female or male or alien, my choice lol.

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yea I should have put an other on the poll

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The main voice was a man. There was some mixture of sexes in total though…

I don’t know why I come back here I am reminded that I have suffered from voices…

I guess that is how desperately bored I get.


i hear both sexes voices when i do, but now on meds i barely have any voices left anymore… it’s just occasionally…

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ah and welcome back @Zoe
why did you remove your account?

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Both sexes, but it seems more women than men. Doesn’t surprise me, I was raised by women and most of my best friends have been women.


I hear a bunch of voices mixed together and one over riding, always male voice. I can’t tell the genders of the mixed voices. One thing about them. I can’t tell what any of them are saying.

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I just have an audible running commentary in my head about everything going on in the universe at once

Can be pretty distracting.

Most of the time since Amisulpride, it has been more whispers and intrusive thoughts, but they can really cut in when inappropriate timings occur and can be very volatile, rude to me and other people, racist and about every other despicable thing on this planet

Nasty pieces of work all of them


I Have one or two male voices, sometimes more. My main voice is ownie. He’s a psycho. I can’t tell exactly what he’s saying these days but he is there.

More recently I have got thought voices. These thoughts are just like my mine except I didn’t think them they are involuntary. I actively believe they are real. Sometimes they take control of the thoughts I think are mine as well leaving me with no thoughts, hasn’t happened that much but I loose my mind when it does.


One evil male voice, one good female voice. And me.