Well it’s that time of year. I must have some sort of stomach bug. What do you all do when you’re sick to pass the time? I’m going crazy sitting around and not working but I’m too sick to go for a run possibly I could try a short walk. Other than that any ideas?
It’s awful isn’t it ? All you can do is wait for it to pass. Unless it’s some kind of nausea from meds.
I was almost wondering if the Lithium was causing it but then yesterday I was throwing up multiple times not just after taking the lithium.
If it persists then see a doctor. It might be med related. It could be seroquel too
Side effects of Seroquel may include: mood or behavior changes,; constipation,; stomach pain,; upset stomach,; nausea,; vomiting, …
My first night of taking the seroquel was last night and I was throwing up all day before that so I’m assuming it’s not seroquel.
Ah. Ok then…
Maybe curl up in bed with a good book
Sounds like food poisoning or something like that. It’s just a good excuse for me to be really lazy n watch music channels and drink herbal tea. Browse the Internet n take things really really easy
I have a bug too. Feeling really sick and light headed. Just filled my med box which I almost fainted doing. Hate being sick
@anon94176359 I’m sorry you are feeling sick as well. It’s not fun!
Thanks @Hanna_Foxx! I am not used to being physically ill.
Neither am I. I’m quite disappointed because I just took up running again and I have a 5 mile race I’m training for.
If I can afford to, I just sleep all day. Sleep and rest is the absolute best way to recover as quickly as possible and to prevent your sickness from getting worse. Some people just take medication right away like ibuprofen to make themselves feel better but I don’t think that’s good because if you feel better, you won’t want to lie in bed all day and rest. (Not to say you shouldn’t take antibiotics/antivirals if prescribed just not meds that cover up your symptoms but don’t fix you) Sometimes I’ve had no choice but to take ibuprofen and I’ve found during those times I was sick for way longer and often it progressed to a secondary infection. Also ibuprofen suppresses fever and inflammation which are natural ways your body defends itself, so that also adds to it. Versus if I can rest for like 3 solid days it goes away just like that.
Wen I had the flu, I didn’t jog initially but wen it became mild I actually started jogging again. I actually think it helped. But only wen it became mild.
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