I just ordered some sushi from the local sushi place. What’re you guys having for dinner??
I’m having pesto pasta with garlic bread tonight.
I had some frozen pizza. Lotza Mozza Supreme to be specific.
That sounds really good! I haven’t had garlic bread in so long
Some of those frozen pizzas are actually really good! I hope you enjoyed yours
Not eating for now. I baked again today, so I sampled and now I’m not hungry. I’ll need to eat something with my 9pm meds though (Geodon).
I hated needing to eat the 500 minimum calories with Geodon. Made me dread eating knowing that I needed to. Very odd feeling
The good news is that Geodo knocks out my appetite, as well as does the Navane that I also take, so I don’t have to have perfect/normal mealtimes. Also, I don’t eat the requisite calories, probably. I usually just eat a little something. My pdoc said that’s fine.
We had tacos for dinner.
I had an awful experience with Geodon. If I didn’t eat enough calories with it I’d feel like I had the flu. And then between doses I’d get awful withdrawals like brain zaps, nausea, tremors, dizziness, etc. i hope it’s working out for you, seems to be a great med for lots of people. Just wasn’t the one for me
Tacos are great! What do you put in yours?
This is the med I always come back to, no matter what else I try. It just seems to be the right one.
I’ve detoxed off it a couple of times in order to try something else, and the detox is a ■■■■■■■ painful nightmare! But on it, I’m ok. It’s the best out of all of the choices, even though I am a little less desirous and passionate in life than I’d prefer, and even though I get break through psychosis with it. I use extra Navane as PRN if necessary.
I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you! It’s amazing how different meds affect different people so differently.
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