I am thinking about getting a second dog. My service dog is retiring. She is struggling to climb the stairs and get into bed with me now, so it is time to get a companion I can cuddle in bed on my bad days. I was thinking about a small breed. I do have two children still living at home- a 12 yr. old and a 16 yr. old, and 2 guinea pigs. I live in a townhouse with no fenced yard, so no super energetic breeds.
I like several and wanted some input. I hope maybe some of y’all have experience with one or more of the following breeds: Bichon Frise, Maltese, Havanese, Coton du Tulear. I also like American Cocker Spaniels, and Keeshonds, even though neither of these are small breeds.
I would like a dog so much i just cant handle the responsibility i saw a dog on the tube yesterday and he was just so gorgeous omg, ill try to find a resemblance
I generally prefer long-haired dogs, and I want one that I can pick up. If I can carry it, all’s the better. We still aren’t 100% sure we will get one though. I am, of course, looking at rescue. I used to be a foster home for dogs, then for cats and kittens, so I would never turn my nose up at the idea of a rescue. However, I want to know a bit about the dog, and I can’t generally get that by going to the pound. One that has been in a foster home would be better. If I can’t find what I’m looking for, I’ll contact breeders and see if they have adults available, and barring that, I’ll go for a puppy.