I’d have to say a thriller.
- adventure
- drama
- thriller
- romcom
- romantic
- sci fi
- horror
- war
- fantasy
- biographical
- Western
- other
0 voters
I’d have to say a thriller.
0 voters
Definitely sci-fi. But good sci-fi has been pretty rare recently.
I’ve not watched much sci-fi. I liked the Asimov books when I was younger.
I don’t limit my taste in movies to any particular type of movie. I tend to like darker stuff. I just watched a movie with Brad Pitt in it called “Fury”. It was a real gore fest - really realistic stuff about a Sherman tank crew in world war II. Be prepared if you decide to watch it.
made from books.
One of my favorite movies is Sideways. It’s a comedy/coming of age movie. It’s very good.
How do you do poles like this. I want to do one on flowers:neutral_face: haha:neutral_face:…
I like dramas, thrillers and comedy. It all depends on the storyline.
I wouldn’t say I like horror movies so much as I like dark movies - the film noir that got a lot more noir as it evolved. I like “Mystic River”, “The Changeling”, and “The Black Dahlia”. I guess it’s a reflection of the morbid side of my psyche. I also like thrillers like “Inception”.
Korean Rated-R movie.
I like lots of different types of film.
Not many comedies I like though.i seem to dislike quiet a few though.
I mostly watch action nowadays n mostly old action 80s n 90s.
I enjoy adventure n fantasy a bit n thriller can be exciting n horror movies can be great fun but I don’t watch as I don’t want to get myself scared.some dramas can be good also.
i like movies that i’ve seen 50 times and i can recite every line
its especially good when im watching it with someone whos never seen it and i shout out every line 1 second before they say it
thats the best
It’s not so much comedies but I truly don’t like most romantic comedies I’ve seen
Gold class movies is really nice.
One can stretch ones legs ,have space, etc
Nice experience.
I think lots of people like to see excitement on the big screen.
I like horror movies…
i like to see ghost on the movies…and the suspense…
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