Hey guys, as above, thoughts? Mine is a levis leather trucker jacket, i love it!
My custom fit new rock boots. Most comfortable boots I’ve ever had.
I get good stuff at platos closet usually
Ah very good, i had new rock boots years ago, never wear them any more though, still in good condition!
Same with mine, I’ve had them for 16 years and still look fantastic, just missing a few studs on the toe. I love them
Super comfortable soft hoodies. Basically all I wear everyday almost my uniform. h&m have them in cool colors.
Tailor made white shirt with my initials on the side pocket
Unfortunately doesn’t fit me anymore as I gained weight with the meds
I live in this baggy drop shoulder sweatshirt that I have
I bought a used old navy pea coat on eBay in really good condition, can’t wait for next winter to wear it.
There used to be a second hand clothes store near where my grandmother lived. The clothes were just dumped in so you could walk over hills of them and find maybe a sleeve sticking out…thst appealed to you.
My favorite thing from there was an old heavy woven plaid shirt. I wore it till it had holes in it. I still like that particular plaid.
I hoodie with a Hell’s Angels logo on the back. 'cept I’m lying about the logo.
I haven’t bought clothes in a while but I just bought a pair of work shoes and a pair of nice shoes for fancy occasions.
A black wool coat from Hugo Boss I bought many years ago.
My boots! I’ve had them for five years and they still hold up.
My boots, too. I paid $100 but they will last a long time. They are made by Caterpillar.
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