What is a timeline for a cure for schizophrenia?

I am secular, I don’t like religion.
I have tried 2 medications with very bad results.

Erez try to take ur medicine …

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Yeah but your parents won’t take you to get meds

You should keep trying new APs. Lots of people on here have tried many more APs than that before they found one that would work for them.

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Meds will make me worse in my estimate.
They don’t cure anything.

And your parents agree right?

Erez, you are emailing news organizations to come up with a cure for schizophrenia. How are journalists going to cure schizophrenia?


R u confident that u can do better without medication …if so u can go off medication …in the future i could go off medication …my cognitive and nagative symtoms are uncurable man…med gives me damn about it…so frustated…take care bro…

@moonwalker my parents are fine, thank you.
@frencheese bu putting this on the agenda!
If they keep talking about this it will promote a cure.

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Are your parents orthodox?

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My parents are secular. They are fine.

They want you to take your meds, dont they? Do they know youre not taking them?


I don’t think my parents want me to take meds.
It doesn’t matter, meds are not what I need.
meds won’t cure me.

@Erez_Shmerling You wanted to go to the psych hospital a couple days ago and they wouldn’t take you. Right?

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You’re right, meds won’t cure you, but they won’t make you worse either.
Most people plow through a ton of different meds before they find the ones that work with them instead of against them.
Please take no offense of this, but I find it foolish to give up after only two tries.

And who’s told you hospitals will only make you worse? Have you ever actually been to a psych ward?

Psych wards are a good opportunity to become accostumed to new meds under professional supervision, and have saved many.

Refusing to take meds while dreaming of an ultimate cure-all seems very counterproductive to me.


Erez, are you sure you have intrusive thoughts? These can be treated with antipsychotics.
For your cognitive issues there’s always CBT or online brain training (BrainHQ, Lumosity).
I don’t think you have negative symptoms, because you have the motivation to exercise (I’m not talking about your physical problems, let’s ignore them for now). So, if you don’t have negatives, it means you should muster the motivation for brain training and/or CBT.
So what’s holding you back?

Waiting for a cure while doing nothing is dangerous… the illness left untreated could in some cases get even worse. And as @far_cry0 said, are you really willing to wait 30 years for something that may or may not come?


What’s clear to me is erez can’t get help even if he wanted it cause his parents refuse to take him to a dr and do not want him on medication. I suspect it will never be possible to convince him that medication can help because those closest to him do not support it. He’s in a tough spot, living out his days without the opportunities that we have to get better. Makes me kinda sad

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Oh, I did not realise that was the case :confused:


I need a cure, a cure.
I barely get through the day.

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You got many days to go friend. Do you get to go outside much?