well i know i overdue it. but am too embarrassed to say how much time i spend online. been spending more time since the stay at home order was announced and the whole covid 19 thing. i think in the future i will try to limit myself to 3 hours a day, probably in the morning.
I overdo it too. I need to stop checking messages between every chore.
yeah it’s habitual. ive been spending hours a day on the internet for almost 20 years. but recently i’ve been running out of things to research or read about. i’ve just hit a wall kind a. spending most of my time on this forum when im online. i need to get into more productive habits and spend less time online each day.
im thinking i can wake up about 8am, have breakfast, and then slowly get my day started checking emails and browsing til 11am. then start my day. hopefully i can find a part time job starting at about noon or later, so i can develop a routine. anyways im going to try to keep it to 3 hours if i have the discipline. and try to live in the real world a little more.
Your brain is a muscle and needs rest too.
But with this lockdown, I think the whole world is on-line now for long periods of time.
The internet is a major social contact to the outer world. Why are you worried? The same could apply how much time should you spend on a hobby ? Personally i am glad to have some sort of occupation. Takes me of unhealthy addictions like smoking or drinking.
im not worried. im just not satisfied with my life. i enjoy the forum but im feeling a little empty and when i go out and live my life, i am happier i’ve noticed. i think i need to do a little more real world stuff and not as much online stuff. im feeling a bit empty emotionally from it to be honest. but 3 hours a day is a significant amount of time, if im only awake for 16 hours.
I go on-line mostly for information…directions…chat forums…but inevitably within 20 minutes I end up on a website called …
Right when my wife walks into the room!
but i did just have an idea for youtube cooking show, i may one day do.
and also last night i was searching spanish speaking forums, where i could work on my spanish skills.
still things to do online that would provide me some satisfaction.
I’m online a LOT. I should be doing g stuff around d the house but the forum beckons.
That is timemanagement. At the moment we should stay home and avoid socializing. But ok, a walk in nature is more fulfilling. I lost balance between the activities I choose. The consequence is I fall into depression.
I come on here mainly. I check some other things randomly. And do some other things online but mainly I think I’m browsing here. It’s very addictive this forum.
Yes, the moderators are doing a good job.
I also pass a lot of time here but its not negatively affecting my life.
But I am on the internet most of my time, computer tech forums, youtube, podcasts, videogames, reading tech and regular news etc
I’d like to give a special shout-out to both @Ninjastar and @anon4362788 . They have both been doing the “heavy lifting” on the forum for a while now which takes a tremendous amount of their personal time, effort and dedication.
While I have been regularly spending some time on the forum daily since returning from an extended break several months ago, it is nowhere near the amount of time that Zombie and Ninja have been spending on the forum. Also, remember that both Zombie and Ninja are parents and have a lot of responsibilitlies at home.
We also currently have two other moderators on a break.
So, please join me in thanking @anon4362788 and @Ninjastar.
Thanks @moonbeam, don’t forget yourself. I’ve seen your work from when we’re asleep!
If I ever became a Moderator it would become redundant…as I would continually ban myself!
I have to say @anon39054230, you have been the very model of a great forum contributor lately.
Awww… shucks!
Just trying to keep it all positive during these trying times.
I think the amount of time will differ from person to person, but if being on the forum is interfering with your activities of daily living (showering, cleaning your clothes, spending time with a loved one, etc.) then I think it’s a problem.