What if I thought a fire was awesome?

I was 4 and watched a house burn down. Can’t remember too much of it except I felt like lost to the family afterwards. I think it’s because they all thought it was a tragedy and I was too young to see the tragedy in it and just thought it was an awesome sight. I think I was scolded for it.

When I was 8, my friend’s home got destroyed in a flood. They allowed the fire department to use it to train new recruits. We all got to watch it burn down. It was the hottest fire I have ever experienced. We were across the street in a field at least 50 yards away, and it was still burning my face. I was in awe.

I don’t know how firemen manage. Of course they have all their protective gear but to stay agile under it all must be work.

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Mr. Star was a firefighter. He used to stink so bad when he came back from live fires.

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One of my students father was a firefighter and I just remember he was handsome – so I’m thinking you are lucky. This father had tried office jobs but went back to firefighting. His wife’s comment was “It’s in his blood.”.

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I went to fire fighting school in the Navy. They taught me to put out ships fire, not house fires. The only fire I have fought since I moved here have been outside forest, brush and one year someone site the hay field on fire.
Parts of my field and woods burned one year. The neighbor was burning his field when it got away from him. I was not home at the time. The conservation department put it out. I was lucky.
The best fire I ever seen was when I was in high school and part of my school burned.
The first fire I remember was when I was 7 or 8, in the woods near my home. You should have seen all the kids that show up. The fireperson had to lead us kids away. I remember looking up and seeing the fire in the branches above are heads.
People have always fine fires fascinating.

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