What have you recently bought?

I just bought some Coffee from Amazon

What are your recent purchases?


I bought some rhodiola, Korean ginseng, and jiaogulan tea from amazon. trying them all out for the first time. I actually worked at amazon for two months once and my brother manages a shift at a Phoenix amazon warehouse


i bought some chicken and fajita seasoning for my wraps tonight :wink::ok_hand::ok_hand:


I bought two southern fried chicken breasts


Some new pyjamas, a hoodie and a long sleeved top :slight_smile:


Oh yes I bought socks today with bears on


Recently: I bought a handful of hard-back books and one e-book from Amazon. I also about about 11 singles off of the music sight named Bandcamp.com that were like $3.00 a piece.Oh and i bought another bottle of Beyonce’s Pulse Perfume, because my other bottle the top broke when hit my hard-wood floor one night…of course after they had shipped the perfume I got the bottle to work again, so now I have two bottles of it…oh well it’s a nice sent if you like the “muksier” smelling perfumes.

It’s the most I bought myself in a long time.Last two months I’ve been buying my parents Christmas gifts and in November I had to buy my mom a birthday gift.


A bottle of NOW inositol


I ordered a new bathroom scale this morning! I don’t have one currently, but in exactly one week I’ll be able to start my new exercise/weight loss routine, so I want to have all my before measurements taken.


Which brand did you buy? Is it a digital weight scale?

Sarcosine. Next big purchase will be sodium Benzoate.


I bit the bullet and bought some as well. Did you get the 60g or 180g?

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I got an Inevifit body analyzer scale for xmas. Its really cool, if you are into that sort of info.

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Really, what kind of info does it produce? I have a Tanita Ironman scale myself.

60 mg. Hopefully I get it soon.

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It’s quite a small package for $14 but the effects of the stuff is what counts so we’ll see.

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body fat, body water, body muscle, calories, bone mass, fat grade, multi-user, up to 400lbs

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Holy cow, that’s almost similar to my Tanita scale. I just looked at Inevitable Fitness’s website. $100 for the top of the line scale. Mine cost $200.

I’m sure my mom wouldn’t pay $100, I bet she got it on sale somewhere. She’s a penny pincher, coupons sort of person.


I bought a new midisynth for my computer so I can do music again. Cost something like 77e. Next I’m going to try to get L-theanine and sarcosine. But I really might have a TBI and schizoaffective. Both combined is pretty terrible. But atleast found a doctor who thought that TBI(traumatic brain injury) sounds pretty accurate.