I’ve learned that cats, music videos and Bill Cosby are the root causes of schizophrenia.
I’ve learned that cats, music videos and Bill Cosby are the root causes of schizophrenia.
I learned that Taco Bell hot sauce packets hold the answers to all my problems.
I’ve learned that Friday nights on here are a lot more fun than on LinkedIn.
How to socialize somewhat, online. A lot I didn’t know about schizophrenia.
Pot is bad for cognition and charity is bad for volition.
Well I think a lot of us have written a books worth about our experiences on here…
so much information… medications. life tracks…
You don’t have to tell anyone about the illness. when it’s in its place you don’t even have to acknowledge it yourself…
Stigma is a bitch… but there are people who get it. That is the ultimate thing this site has taught me
i learned that some people have the desire to lay eggs?
…and that some people need to go suck one.
(Bad day, okay?)
I learned that there a lot of sz’s out there suffering just as intensely as I am.
I learned that I’ve got it easy compared to a lot of people, and I should practice more gratitude, less moaning.
I wonder if there are people out there who would like to participate on this forum, but don’t because they don’t have the prerequisite of being Sz.
This is the only site I’ve never been banned from. I’m learning the meaning of the word, ‘compassion’ from these boards.
I’m still a work in progress, but I like where it’s heading.
Compassion, acceptance and to know when to keep my mouth shut (learning in progress…)
I appreciate the open nature of people on this forum. Its bascailly group therapy
I learned here about supplements and vocational rehab programs. I am using both of them. I read that someone find them helpful and i agree it does make my life better.
I have learned that there are some smart alec psychopaths frequenting these boards, and that many people on here seem to be misdiagnosed as being schizophrenic when they probably have another disorder.
I like helping others and giving support, but I have learned that sometimes it is difficult to receive good support from certain individuals on here.
But overall this is an Excellent site with supportive members.
I’ve also learned that some members who point fingers and accuse others of being ‘narcissistic’ and ‘full of themselves’ are the same ones who will cry out in vain…
You Hijacked MY thread!!
Go figure…
I have learned that girls not from the USA (@sarad @minnii @kellie @waterway for example) are nicer than american girls for the most part (not to generalize cuz @odiledecaray is nice too but shes far in a few)
I don’t fit the definition of psychopath, but I am a smart alec. As I tell my daughter, “Better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass. Choose wisely.”