What have you found works for your akathisia?

Cogentin gave me blurry vision but now that i have glasses i might ask to add it back

I like the cogentin, too, for akathisia but it gave me pancreatitis and I can’t use it anymore.

Propranolol works for me. Its a beta blocker which hasnt got mwny side effects

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A random thing that helps my gf with it is eating a binch of dried apricots. If your after some form of natural remedy.
I think its bs but it seems to work for her.

I read vitamin b6 helps akathisia before.

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Stretching exercises are a cure for akathisia.

Propranolol worked for me, and I still use it as an anxiety prn.

I got very lightheaded on Propranolol

That makes sense. It lower blood pressure

The extended release inderal is working for me with gabapentin and benedryl. I would like to try epidiolex for it one day well see.

I’m pretty good at discovering natural remedies for all my various ailments and side effects. And they all work really well.

Years ago, I discovered that applying cool packs to the bottoms of my feet, helped greatly with akathisia in my feet.

For back pain and/or arthritis, I found that yoga, done for 30 minutes, 5 times a week, consistently, works wonders.

Foam rolling, on your back and elsewhere, is wonderful for arthrosis (acute, severe attack of arthritis).

For a migraine, applying a cool pack to your eyes and forehead, while laying down on a comfortable bed or sofa, in a dark room for approximately an hour, goes a long way toward eliminating it. If cold doesn’t work, you can try applying a warm, wet, wrung out washcloth or small towel instead.

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