What happened after my grandma kicked me out out(july16")

I became homeless again

I checked into rehab

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I finished my four week stay and i relocated to a sober living facility

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what do you mean by “kicked me out out”? I’ve been kicked out by my sister, one time; so I might know what you mean.

Grandmas​:arrow_right: the streets​:arrow_right: page street( bed bug chronicles):arrow_right: rehab​:arrow_right:sober living​:arrow_right: streets again

I tried going back to work grandmas house because the place after rehab felt off And too many cons. My grandma denied me

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Next thing i know.i relapsed. Smoking weed with (B)e’ernie

I don’t think smoking a bit of puff constitutes a full relapse! Unless it triggers your psychosis…

Did me a homeless stint once.

So i walked into the holiday inn and i went up to the top floor.

I jumped the balcony onto the outdoor entrance of the finest room in the place.

Slept like a king that night actually.

They had a nice steam room as well.


Before i knew it i was on the streets homeless again living out this guys house with a friend i use to skateboard with in the past. It was his friends house. I went to high school with both of them. The plan was too get a job

Noticed i really didn’t have friends. We’ll they just knew how to bail out. So i tried going to this group home but it was a waiting list. My next stop… back to rehab since the streets aren’t working for me.

This was around the last week of August iin2016. I remember trying to survive until Monday to check back in. Monday came around and they didn’t have any beds.

Why did she kick you out?
I’m sorry man.
Wish you luck. Stay away from drugs.

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the cons might be bad, but sometimes family can be more supportive than other options. I’m sure you could work something out.

reminds me of the time I was walking to my homeless shelter one day. a mother and a girl was walking by it too. the girl said she wanted to join the shelter. the mom said no. said that it’s not just filled with people who don’t have a home, but with people who just don’t want to go home.

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Plan a failed which was to just survive. I’m like I’ll just go to the hospital and tell them what’s going on with my mind and they’ll keep me for a week.

I checked in. They put me in this other facilty with other people with the same problems. It was better than the streets.

From there i was going to go BACK to rehab for the second time that year just to go to a GOOD halfway house from there.

Good to hear from you. Best of luck man, I know â– â– â– â–  can get rough sometimes


Couldn’t pay rent every month.

I met some people there that i still talk to till this day. So eventually i was transferred back to rehab straight from the psych ward by emts in an ambulance because that’s how they move