What does your username mean to you?

I picked orange because not only is it an oddball but it also doesn’t rhyme with anything, which fits me to a t.


It’s my nickname since I’m 10


It is my first name Ken-Yuen and i was born in 1977.


Google says that orange rhymes with Blorenge and sporange. Sorry.
Ents are awesome.


I’m seriously considering changing my last name in a few years here… The old one will stick for now… Especially if I manage to get off disability and get a good job…

It started as my fictional cameo in one of my writings… Ocke Azley was the character’s name… then I was wanting a simpler email address you know the name.name type set up… Decided to use Azley again as it was unclaimed… And it’s just a slight permutation of my real last name “Ashley” which sounds effeminate these days… Put that modern twists on it… Azley… I like it better on it’s own than as a last name… but I like my first name too…

Anyways… the email address is mine now… and just to be consistent with that I’d consider having my name LEGALLY changed… hah… but why not you know?

Probably try and be ready for it the next time I have to renew my driver’s license…

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Today it’s a reminder of my catatonic state in hospital. I chose the username because I felt like being in a coma when they put me on all those pills.


I picked my first and real name, Patrick.

I just felt I had nothing to hide coming to this schizophrenic site. Also, I feel that when you use your real name, it creates more responsibility on one’s own part to post more appropriately…if you get my drift.


My name is James, and I’m surprised about a lot of things… all the time.


It’s short for Roman Hubot, a very distinguished French gentleman who came into existence when I was trying to say human/robot.


Aberrant Salience theory was one of my favorire theories about psychosis when I started posting on the old forums, when I was still diagnosed PS instead of ASD. It is one letter too long now.

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Derpy as in stupid, for one i am both stupid and do silly derpy things, girl just as i am one
all very lame really as one single name or nickname fits me, names have little meaning to me

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c is for my first name, b as in middle and brown is my last name.

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Teo is short for my middle name Teoxiutleko. It’s nahualt (aztec) and it mean “secred fire ascending” or “turquoise fire”. Teo is what my family and close freinds call me and i identify with it more than my first name.


take care :alien:

Honestly, my name came from fear. I had isolated myself for many years, having little contact with others. I thought internet forums, like this one, would be a good way to reconnect with people. The problem was I didn’t want to use my real name or photo. I just took what I had at home, an orange, a marker, and some yarn, and made a screen name and avatar.


I chose bruce willis because hes a bad arse in the die hard movies


Maybe we should start calling you purple as an alternate.

My first name is Nicholas. I go by Nick. I picked the number 7’s at random.

Mine was my randomized e-mail address for college. I’m super creative.

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Edits More like No one nickname or name fits us being there is more than one of us and are self id changes so much as with all the other head stuff wich we are getting rechecked on the 8th yay tests is not stupid more a missing schooling only had one year of school everything other is self learned and more on topic most people call us AJ as is short and easier for western people to say! and we use drepygirl as a mp gaming nick coz is funny to beat guys in matchs and watch them go all RAGE! over being beaten by a derpy girl LOLZ