What does "as needed" mean?

As needed you know pdocs prescribe your bottles like that sometimes, but can someone explain to me what it means


Here are some resources on this:


also - here is some more info:


Cool I never knew what PRN standed for.

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Past discussions on this topic:

As the circumstance arises. What circumstance?

If you have prn medication for anxiety, you take them when the anxiety gets too much. What’s the prn medication for?

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There’s the catch. One needs to be sufficiently educated and capable under the circumstances… and those circumstances can compromise those abilities. That’s why it’s often best for pts with reality / accurate perception challenges to allow PRN meds to be held by others. Two sets of eyes and ears are often better than one in these situations… especially if the particular med has a high potential for inducing tolerance, dependence and addiction… and/or produces dangerous sfx like severe anticholinergia (dehydration of the mucosia that lines the digestive and breathing tracts… as well as the brain case).

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Does anybody have a person in your family. That think they don’t need meds? My father thinks he doesn’t need an anti deprssant. He’s going what I have gone through. We are not going to prove who has the better imagination or who has more sound logic. Because inside our bodies it’s just hormones. When he is sick, my testosterone levels rise. He becomes combative. When I take my klonopin it’s less of a war with him on my end. But it’s peace when we are both correctly taking are much needed valuable meds. He takes venlafaxine btw