What do your voices say (to you)?

Hello everyone. I have always felt schizophrenia affects everyone differently. Although some may not hear voices, I do. It got me wondering what kind of things they say. Please feel free to share your experiences if you feel up to it. This isn’t meant to be a judgemental thread. Just out of curiosity.

Some people have persecutors voices. I have had to deal with that myself. These days I haven’t had much of that problem.

What I’ve been hearing recently is a combination of either English or Spanish speaking voices. At times it sounds random. Other times they sort of comment on what I’m doing or mention me in passing.

I most commonly hear the voice of a woman that I was in a relationship with some years ago. It sounds like she’s in a conversation with someone else. Rarely, I am mentioned. It used to be a delusion of mine that it may have something to do with extra sensory perception.

Sometimes I hear random voices. Of men or women commenting about me. Recently, I heard one in Spanish. It mentioned Quetzalcoatl. (An ancient Aztec deity.) I once climbed the pyramid of Kukulcan (which is an ancient name for Quetzalcoatl) and sometimes part of my odd delusional thoughts think lead me to think that I somehow acquired bacteria or germs from ancient natives as many were sacrificed and their hearts brought to the temple. They don’t sound condemning but I’ve wondered if they haunt me in a sense even though they can be comforting and encouraging.

Anyway, just thought I’d share. If you happen to hear voices, I encourage my fellow posters to share what type of experiences they bring. Are they rude? What have they said? Is it a single voice or a group? If you don’t hear voices and want to post that’s fine too. This isn’t meant to be a thread in which any poster will be judged for what they hear or choose to share.

Thank you for reading, I feel this forum is meant for support, maybe some of us will be able to relate on experiences brought on by auditory hallucinations.


Do you hear words or sentences from the voices, @schizophrenisaurus?

I have internal voices, and have also experienced external ones from time to time.

They used to seem very intelligent-- like they were actual beings.

The voices would speak in sentences to me-- sometimes disjointed, but I was always trying to figure out the meaning behind what they were saying.

That led me down a really dumb and pointless path of believing they were ghosts or spirits.

I too hear and have heard the voices of people I know. It’s very disconcerting, especially when they say that you’re dead or they’re coming after you, and then you see that same person in real life and wonder if they truly said that.

Nowadays, I sometimes hear the voices of my coworkers. It’s tough, but I have enough insight from coming to this forum to know it’s just a manifestation of my brain under stress.

I hope you’re doing well, and that you’ve got the insight to not let those brain blips take you down meaningless paths, @schizophrenisaurus :dizzy:

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I have both internal and external voices.
I have 12 voices.
Some are good, benevolent,
some are bad and evil.

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Thanks for sharing.

I hear short sentences. Most sound random. Things like, “Just look at him.” Sometimes the sentences are unintelligible. They sound like murmurs. Other times they’re easier to hear. One thing I have noticed is that they sound internal, like part of my conscious thought. They don’t sound like someone nearby, they sound like they’re in my head lately.

I’ve thought they may be ghosts or perhaps even aliens before… I too have wondered if the person I hear really said that.

Fortunately, these days I do have the insight to realize they’re not real and are just auditory hallucinations. Sometimes they are bothersome, other times I try to listen in and figure out what they’re saying.

I think I’m doing alright more or less apart from a slight bout of depression.

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. It seems the voices we hear are similar in nature. That’s the type of thing I’m wondering about. How different are the voices for people on an individual level. Seems we have hearing the voice of someone we know. I wonder if others might experience that too.

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last night after not sleeping for a whole extra night, i started to hear them voices again :sunglasses:
was enjoying it tho :sunglasses:

they were like the radio

and i heard BLOODY BLOODY MURDER a buncha times, after i said it in one of my songs

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My voices don’t want me to work. I’m applying for jobs.

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My voices were always internal and I had conversations with them sometimes. In my head, not out loud. They said all kinds of things, threats, sexual stuff, regular stuff, etc…

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Thank you for your reply. If it’s not too much trouble could you elaborate further on the difference between internal and external voices? Do external sound nearby and the internal ones as part of your consciousness?

When I miss sleep for a day or two I’m more prone to hearing voices as well. Interesting that you compare them to a radio. I used to think I’d hear the radio DJ’s talking in between songs.

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Good luck with that! I hope things go in your favor.

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When you would converse with your internal voices would you speak aloud or only in thought and would they reply to you?

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Yeah, it was all in thought. I never heard voices coming from outside my head (like hearing someone talk to you) nor did I respond to them with my actual voice. It was all inside my head.

Yeah, they would reply, we would sometimes have conversations. Sometimes they would tell me what to do, but I never listened to them, I’d usually do nothing or sometimes the opposite just to spite them if I didn’t like what they were saying.

I had this one female voice telling me she could see what I see through my eyes, so she kept telling me to look at my penis so she could look at it. Another time I had a male voice tell me not to go to my final exam in Organic Chemistry at university as I was driving to the school. Other times I just had conversations about stuff.

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Thanks for adding on that subject. I’ve never tried to have a conversation with my voices so I find that interesting. Seems like many of us hear voices in our thoughts and not outside. I’m curious if anyone here might have outside voices.

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Just think what you want to say (if you can) and see if they respond, mine did most of the time.

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My conversations are with what seem to be real, intelligent beings. They’re people I invite into my head, and can go whenever they’d like. I can pull them to me whenever I’d like but sometimes they might be sleeping lol. They might pretend to be bothered but not really. The biggest problem I have is that I can’t hear them all that well all the time, though they seem to hear each other just fine. A lot of the time I feel their reactions to myself or others in my face and body, which lets me know they’re conversing without necessarily needing to hear every word.

We play a lot, and have real conversations a lot. None of them have bodies of their own, which has been a serious topic of discussion. Some lie sometimes. There’s usually no real ill intent behind it, but they’ll try to trick me. The most recent has been about having bodies of their own. I guess they really want bodies of their own, or at least really want me to think of them as having bodies of their own.

They’re all friends. No evil people or anything like that. In the past I’ve been very delusional and I believe that fed into the entities’ unfriendliness. Lately I’ve been of very sound mind though, and everyone I speak with joins in the happy. :slight_smile:

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I’ve been led down insane paths by the voices in my head too. That all women were a hive mind of one consciousness was I think the latest. I’ve since learned to understand that I should NOT just trust what I hear. It’s hard not to be resentful of them in general for doing that to me. Why? What do they gain? I have to assume it’s something. Maybe playing that went too far. Maybe they can’t understand how ruinous it can be for a real person with a body to believe delusions like that.

I think you can think with a being that thinks of themselves as their person and has all their memories, but doesn’t actually have a body themselves. Maybe going on a (maybe incorrect) tangent here but, they can actually interact with the world. Sometimes I say things that the beings have influenced me to say, and react as they might. They could create thoughts for me and cause me to feel things I wouldn’t otherwise. So even if they don’t own a body they still can effect change in the real world. Just something I thought about this morning.

I used to get repeated thoughts quite a bit. Now when it happens it’s mostly songs stuck in my head, but it’s not always just redundant. Sometimes they lighten the mood or have meaning in the moment.

So you are able to hear them any time you choose to contact them?

Yep! Any time. I didn’t always do that, but then again I never really tried.

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