What do you watch on TV?

just wondering what you all watch on tv. tv is triggering for me sometimes and i dont watch much

I watch all the paranormal and horror shows. And Shark Week stuff. Lol. And the news, every night, but it’s local stations as I have no cable just streaming.

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I don’t watch much on tv these days. I just finished watching the latest season of the Vikings. Currently watching all the Harry Potter movies again on amazon prime.

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I don’t watch shows really. Actors trigger me. I watch news, sports or history channel. But, then again that stuff triggers me too. But, sitting here just thinking triggers me the most.

Tv triggers me too. I just have music video stations on the tv. Sometimes I’ll watch a bit of news.

I like the reality big rig towing shows and some of the marvel stuff

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Free view TV which is the standard in the UK doesn’t have much on it. Imo.

Sky is better but pricey.

I don’t watch anything on TV atm. Literally nothing. I’m just not interested like how I used to be

I think you’d love the show ‘evil’. It’s the science/religion debate but not like I’ve ever seen. It occurred in the show LOST, but here it’s between a man and woman and they have chemistry.

Im also into stranger things.

if i was t watch something it would be like nature docs or cartoons

I can’t watch the news too triggering but I admit it was worse when Obama was president. I don’t know if that is because I am a Republican or I have gotten better. Probably a little of both.

I am in the US so you probably wouldn’t recognize the shows I watch. Mostly crime dramas.

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Nothing. 151515151515151515151515

I watch only on fridays mostly

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I don’t put on the tv. My sister puts it on when she gets home from work. She binge watches whatever she has a hankering for. She’s trying to get me interested in all the things she’s previously binge watched and liked. So we’ve watched House, The Office, Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy and now we’re watching Breaking Bad. I start out not interested and end up missing them when they are over. It’s funny how that is. I think The Office is my favorite so far. It’s pretty cute.


The walking dead. Any chef Ramsey shows. Hockey. Password

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I watch the same series on Netflix over and over and leave it on at night. Watches all the seasons 8 times.
Can’t watch horror, action, fire, or distressing things. I have a hard time concentration so I like easy watch

The office is my favorite show of all time. No stress relaxing easy to follow

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I dont watch broadcast tv - cos theres no way i will ever pay for a tv license.
Mines all streaming , YT , netflix and prime.

I have a strange fascination with homeless documantarys tho and those done on food banks. And the uk shows on benefits.

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