I want to go out and eat at a good restaurant for Christmas.
I wished for clothes.
I was hoping for an air fryer. But mostly I just wish my kids will let me sleep in Christmas morning. Lol
truffle oil for cooking, a few books, a fancy grater (also for cooking)
In a perfect world, I’d like fret jobs on my 2 most recent guitars
I asked for money to get my grandpa’s memorial tattoo.
To simply see my family.
I want clothes and shoes and bags.
I want to see Santa.
Food and money 1515
•Clothing, I need more long sleeve shirts
•A new cube, I always love getting new cubes
•Money for piercings, I want snake bites
I want the focus and determination to get back into exercise and healthy eating, so I can wear my clothes comfortably again, and not have to ask Santa for new ones.
I want, for one whole day, someone (that I feel safe around) that I can talk to, share time with, and / or hold without interruption.
I’m not going to get it.
I already know everything I am getting. I have an Amazon Prime account and my mom had me order everything she is getting me from my account, lol
Thanks kind of a bummer. No surprises there. Is she even going to bother wrapping them?
lol, yeah, and I’m going to pretend to be surprised!
That’s awesome.
I knew what my parents got me for Hanukkah (combo w/ birthday present) because I specifically asked for it, and they knew I needed it.
Or just ask Santa for a Fitbit
A Fitbit is a tool. Without the mental focus and determination, a tool is useless.
Very true. I have a Fitbit and no motivation.