What do you use to go on the Internet?

Do you use a laptop, an ipad or tablet, a kindle or the like, a desktop or your phone to go on the Internet and visit this site? My kindle doesn’t work all that great for this site so I usually get the old laptop out. I am looking into getting a new device. Feel pretty lost though. I think I am looking for a new laptop. My sister wants me to get an apple product so we can facetime. I don’t know though–maybe an ipad would be good to have. Any thoughts or suggestions on the above?

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I just use my phone.


I use my phone. Sometimes a tablet. Even more rarely a computer.


I’m usually on my computer or phone, both are equally likely.

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I use my gaming computer and my smartphone.

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I use my phone!

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Almost always my phone but for school and work related things I use my laptop.

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I am usually at my desk so iMac :desktop_computer: or lounging with my phone :iphone:

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My phone or computer.

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So i am pretty biased because I have Had Apple products for a long time. But I also see the goods and bads of A LOT of technology on the daily, because I work in a large technology store. I think Apple makes a very good product… except their phones are becoming more and more shady with the battery thing and what not. But I think an iPad is a great addition. It’s like a happy medium between a cellphone and a laptop. And is very user friendly. At least I think so. Viruses usually aren’t ever an issue. It’s definitely worth the money but I can’t stress getting a good rugged case it. Drops and spills are hard to get taken care of even if you buy apples protection plan. Anyways if you’re not ready to drop a few hundred dollars on a new device then Samsung makes a decent tablet as well.


desktop/phone 151515


I use my phone I don’t have Internet.

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I have a gaming desktop and my phone

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Phone, sometimes desktop.

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Thanks, bittercat! That’s helpful! I’ll keep that in mind

Desktop or phone. Phone if out and about or my friend is using the desktop. Desktop for easier typing, navigation, and downloading stuff like music.

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I bought a new laptop but I don’t use it.
I use my iPhone.

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I am almost always on a laptop. After that, I’ll use a tablet, then finally my phone. I don’t like to use smaller touch screen technology because of my tremors.

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I only use my phone my laptop broke.

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I use my desktop and a netbook.
There are other programs for webchat like google hangouts and skype.
If you are mostly at home and you like keyboards get a laptop otherwise get a tablet.

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