What do you think about 23andme, and sites like them?

I don’t know what to think. It sounded like a good idea and maybe it could help find better treatments for illnesses. But instead of me having to pay them it seems they should have to pay me.

What do you think about it ?

I took a quick look, but I’m a bit dubious.

Its interesting - but really not very useful. I agree - they should probably pay you.

They were forced to stop selling their service by the FDA for two years - and just recently came back onto the market.

23andMe is back on the market — finally

Not at all helpful in psychiatric disorders - I believe that they now focus on a few well known disease risks that are most well known and people can do something about.

I have a friend who works there - so I may be biased.

And yes - while I don’t encourage paranoia - for people visiting this site, perhaps more information than you’d really want to share.

I think they are moving more into drug development now - using the data they have to help identify and develop new compounds to help people with medications.

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FDA was making noises today about regulating these deals. I suspect we’ll see that before long. See http://www.medpagetoday.com/Genetics/GeneticTesting/54571?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2015-11-10&eun=g439882d0r

I joined 23andMe for the genealogical aspect and for me the health reports are a secondary consideration though it is interesting to upload the raw data to Promethease. I have posted my schizophrenia related genotypes here before but for some reason they have since been deleted… .

i think this is tremendous, i should give a dna sample just like i do a urine sample at my dr appointments. all this data flows to either the insurance company or medicare or both already, even your blood sugar values flow up to those entities, and they monitor you.

I used 23 and Me to find out about my Ancestry - its a pretty good site.

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i think it’s all complete & utter ■■■■■■■■.

My ancestry in speculative mode is:

Northwestern European
British & Irish
French & German
Broadly Northwestern European

Southern European
Broadly Southern European
< 0.1%
Broadly European
< 0.1%


What if you pay money to these ancestry sites, only to find out your great great grandfather was a horse thief. Would you ask for your money back?

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@Wave Have you uploaded your 23andMe raw data to https://dna.land/ ? It’s free. Run by academics.

Oh I’m Irish, I don’t need to pay money to learn they were all cattle rustlers back when :smiley_cat: The greatest Irish legends are about sneaking off with a pretty sweet bull.

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No, I didnt upload my info - dont thiink I will, but thanks @firemonkey

are these sites legit? how can you find out the dna of a person from simple saliva?

Yes, they are totally legit (in doing what they say) - though I don’t think they are extremely helpful.

Your saliva has cells from the inside of your mouth, and every cell of yours has a complete copy of your DNA in it. Its pretty simple from that standpoint.

More info here: How to Collect a Buccal Swab Sample for Forensic Analysis

what if you take the saliva of your dog or cat and send it to these sites? will they still label you 100% european?