23andMe DNA analysis

Have any of you had a DNA analysis from 23andMe or a similar service before? I’m curious what your experience was like and if you thought it was worthwhile. I just ordered a kit from them last night and I’m looking forward to getting my results.

I’m more interested in the raw data so I can run it through a service like promethease to discover any genetic mutations I might have and their health implications.

I’m pretty sure that I’m 100% western european lineage, but am looking forward to see if I might have a tiny bit of some unexpected DNA in my bloodline from some other culture.

My apologies to anyone who was offended. I didn’t mean any harm.


It didn’t offend me. I chuckled a bit actually! :slight_smile:


Yeah, I did genes for good which is the same thing only it’s free because it’s for a research study. Note that the info they give you is pretty boring. My genetics professor asked why anyone would pay money for a genetics test to tell them something dumb like whether or not their hair was curly-don’t you already know? The heritage results are also dull and only tell you very general regions you’re from-I’m Western European 100%, shocker -.-

The useful thing you want out of it is the raw genetic data, which you will have to get interpreted by a separate service such as LiveWello. Even that though isn’t so useful. It can tell you you have a couple of genes that increase your risk for something. However most disorders have a wide number of genes involved in them…so just because you have one or two off could mean nothing…also just because it is a risk gene it doesn’t mean it is a strong risk…it could mean only like a 3% increased risk. Most of the genes that have strong association with causing pathology, like 50% or higher or whatever are actually “owned” by corporations who you have to pay money to to test for them.

So short answer no it’s not really worth it. It’s fun though, and since genes for good was free and benefits research thats good. I would not pay money for any of that info.

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Why did you delete it?! It was hilarious! Not harmful.

I wonder why white men in their 20’s are the only people who go on 4chan

Not everyone agreed with you.

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people need to lighten up. Gotta laugh to keep from crying.


Darn! I wish I would of realized there was a free version before I spent $100 on the 23andMe kit. Too late now I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well, this will give me something to obsess over for a week hopefully! :slight_smile:

I have had my 23andMe data uploaded to Promethease. It’s interesting but only tells you some of your risk or lack of it for something .

I paid for Live Wello but wasn’t willing to continue paying each month for what they had to offer.

23andMe’s ancestry results are reckoned to be better,by many, than that of Ancestry DNA and Family tree DNA.
There has been a lot of unrest over how slow they have been in transferring people to their new experience . Transfers started in late 2015 but those of us from the UK will have to wait till about the end of this summer to be transferred.

My23andMe ancestry results(Speculative mode)


Northwestern European
British & Irish
French & German
Broadly Northwestern European

Southern European
Broadly Southern European
< 0.1%
Ashkenazi Jewish
Broadly European
< 0.1%

Those interested in the Ancestry side of things with British ancestry should consider https://www.livingdna.com/en-gb Click on the Union Jack for links to international sites.

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For further re Ancestry admixture and possible cousin matches upload raw data to

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I have thought about it in the past. But I have always been afraid that it would show that I was part alien. And the government would come after me.

I got the kit today. Filled it with spit and put it back in the mail box. It’s frustrating that it will take so long to get the results back.

Post your results when you get them. Are you expecting 100% European or do you think there will be something exotic in there too?
I’m currently waiting on My heritage to give me yet another breakdown of my admixture. They are supposed to be the quickest at getting results to you ie 4-6 weeks after they receive your kit.

I’m expecting 100% Western European. Primarily from England and Scotland, with a bit of German, Dutch and Irish mixed in.

Northwestern European
British & Irish
French & German
Broadly Northwestern European
Southern European
< 0.1%
Broadly Southern European
Ashkenazi Jewish
Broadly European
Sub-Saharan African
West African
East Asian & Native American
Native American
Broadly East Asian & Native American
< 0.1%
< 0.1%

I’m surprised at the West African ancestry. None of my relatives have African features at all. According to 23andMe I had a fully blooded West African ancestor that was alive between 1780 and 1870, which likely means that one of my ancestors was a slave given that I’m in the United States.

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That’s interesting about the West African.

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