Myself ? I only look in the mirror when im shaving because I sea darkness about me , call it a shade , and it seems to be a negarive thing so I go days without shaving just so I don’t see that.
That’s sad. I don’t think your darkness. Shaving sucks anyway.
Thanks smp , I dont think that I am darkness but there is a dark shade about me that wasn’t there before, im sure turning 40 recently has something to do with it.
Sometimes I see the little punk I used to be… sometimes I see an old man who I might become… I see the person who I’m trying to convince that it’s all worth it.
When I look into a mirror I see myself,and I would say I am quite insecure,not really sure how to change this
It is worth it j just soldier on and you will be rewarded.
What’s the alternative?
Sometimes an ugly guy, sometimes a handsome guy. Sometimes when I look at my eyes, I don’t see anything there.
I see a handsome devil in the prime of his life
I don’t like what I see but I give him due respect. He’s scary.
So What you weigh now mouse? And God Bless.
oh,i see a average looking guy too,his body is awesome,hehe
Cool man don’t stop now.
If i saw it in detail id probably pass out.
To survive here you can’t see it. It grabs a hold of your stomach and you’ll just keel over and die.
I see flesh, horrified flesh and bone, writhing and loathing, wailing and moaning, in pain and crying.
I used to be tall dark and handsome. …now I’m older fatter and uglier. .tbh I don’t like to look in the mirror. I only do so when I comb my hair in the morning or when I shave once in a while.
I see an averagely pretty woman, or if I am sick, I see an ugly, wicked monster. When I hate myself I can’t bear to look in the mirror, but most of the time I’m ok and look.
I see a sea shell.
I see pride. I see power. I see a bad ass mother that take no crap off of nobody
I see a good looking woman
Whose life is ruined by being ill
I’m 5ft 7 and 185lbs. I have a 31in waist and 41in chest. Im quite muscular, I have been lifting weights for a very long time.