What do people say about you?

Once I was told I’m a freak haha. Don’t even know what that means

How do you deal with that? Dont you just wana roar at them while your relapsing? Iv had people make fun of my delusions

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They lie about me constantly because someone is obsessed with me. They don’t think I should be better than certain evil control freaks, who are obsessed with interfering in people’s lives. They accuse me of things they do because they don’t believe I deserve human rights.

i can see it is edited, but the flag didn’t drop. I’ll look into it.

The last thing someone said about me was your funny. Cuz i told some joke. They were laughing in tears before that. :disguised_face:

I honestly dont care what people say about me though. Im generally well liked. And for those that dont they can kiss my white hiney :innocent:

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The people that know me don’t say anything too bad. And the people who don’t know me probably don’t talk about me.

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Yes, I believe in reincarnation.

People often use the word " Gentleman" when referring to me. They also say, “I’m calm”. Once they said I was “mature” but they quit saying that, lol.

My colleague called me special.

In a good way.

So sweet


I don’t have a religion. I however like the idea of reincarnation because it keeps us here until we reach enlightment. I truly believe most of the human race lives in a mundane manner with envy, vengeance, materialism, hate, much of which comes from the belief on the importance of the ego which in turn leads to competitivity and forms an eternal cycle of lack of nobelty. I don’t give importance to my ego and I don’t believe we are competing. I am also not materialist. That makes me so much happier than I was before. I think I was able to follow the path of Budda up to an extent and that this progression of mine brought so much light to my existence it actually helped me a lot with sz. My voices are sympatetic to me now. They used to be agressive and malevolous. I hope I can reach Nirvana before I die. I don’t know if reincarnation is real but I don’t doubt either. It makes sense. And I love buddism. I believe egoism is the main disease of the human race and Buddha teaches you must get rid of it.


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